
CANG9115 : C1 _ British Cinema and the working Class (1960 2010)

CANG9115 : C1 British Cinema and the working Class (1960 2010)

Responsable(s) :
  • Layla Roesler
Enseignant(s) :
  • Ella Louise Gilani


Tout niveau


Langues pour non spécialistes

1e semestre

Public interne (réservés aux auditeurs de licence-master et normaliens )

Informations générales sur le cours : CANG9115

Content objectif

What does it mean to be working class in Britain today? On this course, we explore answers to this question by examining different representations of working-class lives over 50 years of British film. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, we will consider sociological, historical, and geographical contexts of films such as Kes (Ken Loach, 1969), Trainspotting (Danny Boyle, 1996) and Billy Elliot (Stephen Daldry, 2000). In our class discussions, we will collaborate on film analysis, using key film vocabulary to make sense of how films construct different narratives, and what those narratives have to say about social class in Britain. 

By the end of this course, students will be able to engage in film analysis in English using appropriate vocabulary. They will have a good grasp of the debates that surround social class in Britain, and on the ways in which film and politics can engage with one another. They will also have gained confidence in their spoken English, as well as formal and informal writing styles. They may learn to recognise some different British regional accents.