
CANG9220 : C1 _ "A Nation under God ? " The American Mind from the Foundation to D. Trump

CANG9220 : C1 "A Nation under God ? " The American Mind from the Foundation to D. Trump

Responsable(s) :
  • Layla Roesler


Tout niveau


Langues pour non spécialistes

2e semestre

Public interne (réservés aux auditeurs de licence-master et normaliens )

Informations générales sur le cours : CANG9220

Content objectif

CANG 9120 et CANG 9220 _ “A Nation under God?”

The American mind from the foundation to D. Trump

Cours de niveau C1 _ Caroline Hildebrandt

The 2017 election of Donald Trump has largely been fostered by the Christian Right in the United States, a religious and political force which is gaining prominence in the USA, but also on a global scale (Brazil, ...). Yet, this social and political force is not a new phenomenon. It results from a particular way of conceptualizing the role of religion in the public sphere.

This course is designed to help students understand this idea throughout the history of the American nation. Starting with the Puritan foundation, it will explore the transformation of a prominent religious order into a civil one, and the transfer of religion in the realm of politics, arts, and culture at large.

We will rely on a great diversity of media (texts, 19th century paintings, films such as The Birth of a Nation, documentaries, ...).

We will be focusing on historical and cultural landmarks such as the Revolution, the Reconstruction era and the rise of white nationalism, the Civil Rights movement and the role of religion. Finally, the role of Evangelicalism in the American context will be of particular focus, from the beginning of the 20th century to the Reagan era. This trajectory will help us understand Donald Trump’s election, and the recent clash regarding anti-abortion laws, genomic research, ...


  • Providing students with the ability to discuss, research and write about complex ideas in written and spoken English
  • Providing students with an understanding of American history through the prism of cultural studies and a wide range of media
  • Widening the students’ range of analytical tools and vocabularies specific to the study of visual documents (paintings, films, documentaries...), political texts, and other media.


The evaluation will consist of 50% for the continuous assessment and 50% for the final exam.