
Actualité de l'ENS de Lyon

Nadège Hilairet, ancienne élève et thésarde de l'ENS de Lyon, médaille 2019 de l'EMU

Visuel médaille EMU
Actualité / Prix et distinction

Nadège Hilairet, ancienne élève du magistère des Sciences de la Terre et thésarde du Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon - Terre Planètes Environnement, maintenant chargée de recherche à Lille, a obtenu la médaille 2019 de l'European Mineralogical Union (EMU).


Nadège Hilairet a reçu ce prix pour sa contribution exceptionnelle à la compréhension de la déformation et de la rhéologie des roches ainsi que pour ses recherches internationales collaboratives.


Communiqué de l'EMU

The recipient of the 2019 Research Excellence Award of the European Mineralogical Union is Dr. Nadège Hilairet from Université de Lille, France. She received the award for her outstanding contributions to understanding rock deformation and rheology as well as for her international collaborative research.

Dr. Hilairet’s achievements in the field of physics and mechanics of the deformation of crystals and poly-crystalline aggregates are remarkable in terms of originality and depth. Through her experimental approach, she has created new data and insights that have allowed an unprecedented view and understanding of the rheological properties of rocks and the mechanism of earthquake formation.

In particular, she has contributed to important advances in our understanding of how phase changes impact the mechanical stability of deforming materials and how we can measure these effects using cutting edge tools such as synchrotron x-ray diffraction and acoustic emissions. The use of  synchrotron diffraction to probe deformation experiments in the D-DIA apparatus is a relatively new field and Dr. Hilairet has been one of its pioneers. These experiments are incredibly difficult to do and even harder to do well. Apart from her excellent achievements in the lab she herself also transferred implications of these new insights to the deformation of natural systems, making them accessible to a wide community.

Throughout her career she has (co)-advised several undergraduate and PhD-students. She has provided her knowledge and experience to the community by developing and offering software tools and building experimental infrastructure at user facilities in Europe and US. Her work is firmly embedded in the European and international research community.



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