
CANG9270 : B2 _ The Wild Wild West in American Cinema

CANG9270 : B2 The Wild Wild West in American Cinema

Responsable(s) :
  • Layla Roesler


Tout niveau


Langues pour non spécialistes

2e semestre

Public interne (réservés aux auditeurs de licence-master et normaliens )

Informations générales sur le cours : CANG9270

Content objectif

The wild wild West in American cinema


Course overviewShowing us a world of sheriffs, cowboys, and the unforgiving landscape of the wild wild West, Westerns have given us some iconic images of the United States. In this class, we will study Westerns from the 1940s to the 2010s, from John Ford to Quentin Tarantino. Looking at key elements of the Western genre, we will use film language to “read” movies in the context of some of the most dramatic moments in American history.
On this course, students will:
  • Discover several classic Westerns through watching extracts in class.
  • Learn some key vocabulary for studying films in English.
  • Become familiar with some key elements in American history and culture.
  • Practise reading, writing, speaking, and listening through studying a range of texts (including images, films, and written texts) and varied assessments.
  • Improve their grammar through exercises linked to the course theme.


Students will give a short presentation on one of the films. As a midterm assignment, they will submit a short analysis of the cinematography, editing, or sound in an extract from one of the films on the course. As a final assignment, students will have a choice between a comparative essay or a creative assignment that shows their understanding of the Western genre. Students will also receive a participation grade that reflects their overall engagement with the class (e.g., contributing to class discussions, but more importantly engaging in group activities, supporting classmates, and having a positive attitude).