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Assistant professor position
Job opening — Computer Science Department / LIP laboratory, ENS de Lyon
Open assistant professor position (maître de conférences) in Computer Science
The LIP research laboratory and the Computer Science teaching department are recruiting a tenured assistant professor in Computer Science.
The job description is available here.
Ranking of the jury:
(the ranking will become final only after the decision of the administration council of ENS de Lyon)
1- Dagand Pierre-Evariste
2- Fawzi Omar
3- Huguenin Kevin
4- Tzameret Iddo
5- Cohen Cyril
Composition of the selection committee: Anne Benoit, Pascal Bouvry (président), Hubert Comon, Arnaud Durand, Guillaume Hanrot, Sylvain Joubaud, Florence Maraninchi, Antoine Miné, Lucas Nussbaum, Natacha Portier, Damien Stehlé, Laurent Théry.
Teaching contact: and
Research contact: and