Here are some useful informations for your registration at Lyon1.
  • What do you need to pay?
    • Sécurité sociale : 215 € (you are not all concerned)
    • Médecine préventive universitaire : 5,10 €
    • Master : 256 €
  •  Those of you who were at ENS Lyon last year can do everything online after Saturday Sept. 12 (we first need to confirm to Lyon1 who is indeed accepted to the M2):
  • For those of you who enter ENS Lyon this year, you will need to go there. First, you need to fill this document:
Also, you can find the list of documents required here: docs-Lyon1.
You can get some help to fill the registration documents thursday between 11h30 and 13h00 (see the “circulaire de rentrée”), and then some of you (5 at most) can directly go to register at Lyon1 at 13h. You will need a way to pay, and someone with basic knowledge of french because no-one speaks english there. Please let me know asap if you want to go thursday, and I will then send you directions.
We will arrange another time to register for those who could not make it on thursday afternoon.