Lab news
- December 2025: We have been awarded and ERC Consolidator grant! So grateful to the EU, and all the colleagues who prepped us so thorougly. And also to the Britney Spears ex voto, I am sure it helped. We will explore mysterious aspects of the homology search process in mitosis and meiosis!
- November 2024: Immense congratulations to Agnès, who nailed it at the CNRS recruitment contest! We are blessed to have her with us FOR LIFE (or up to retirement, whichever comes first)!
- September 2024: New preprint alert! We exploited a discrete contact stripe visible on chromosome III Hi-C maps and polymer modeling in collab. with Hossein Salari and Daniel Jost to determine the loop extrusion properties of the conserved SMC complex condensin and identify multiple of its roadblocks on chromatin. From these results, we propose an updated model for mating-type switching, a recombination-dependent process influenced by chr. III structure. Check it out here.
- August 2024: Our study on the mechanism of homology search and its genome-wide expansion is now out at Molecular Cell! A very efficient and insigtful collaboration with our close colleague Daniel Jost. Congrats to all involved! And checkout this summary piece on the CNRS Biologie website.
!! M1/M2 internship offer !! -> check it out
- June 2024: Chloé is joining the MG crew, straight after her PhD in the lab of Eric Coic. Does she know her yeast and recombination pathway! She will be working together with Vinciane on the role of 3D genome organization in promoting genome maintenance on an ARC-funded project. Welcome Chloé!
- June 2024: On board for the 5th lab hike, organized by Vinciane and Agnes in the hills west of Lyon. Beatuiful weather, beautiful views, beautiful dogs and ... beautiful people! Check out the pictures here.
- May 2024: Congratulations to Yasmina, who has been awarded a 6-months extension from the FRM to complete her PhD!
- January 2024: For her Master 2 Yelene decided to leave gray Paris to investigate the structure-function relationship of chromosome on recombination during yeast meiosis, joining the team effort of Vinciane, Agnes and Nicolas. Welcome to the lab Yelene!
- December 2023: A main study of the lab is out on BioRxiv. We developed a method to detect ssDNA contacts by Hi-C and used it to investigate the mechanism of homology search during DNA break repair by homologous recombination. We propose a general model of the evolution of homology search that involves various independent processes: resection, 3D chromatin organization, structure of the Rad51 filament, and specialized genetic elements. Check it out here!
- October 2023: First departmental retreat since joining the ENS Lyon, deep in the Alps in the Vanoise national park. Wonderful venue, colleagues, hiking and ... karaoke. What happens in Aussois stays in Aussois :)
- September 2023: 4th lab hike, this time in the wonderful Chartreuse range: check out the pictures here!
- August 2023: New publication!! The homologous recombination pathway usually restores with basepair precision the sequence information disrupted by a DNA break. But it is vulnerable to the presence of repeated sequences and to nucleases that can recognize and cleave the unusual DNA structures produced during the pathway. Here we explored how a tangle of multiple DNA molecules can destabilize the genome, including sites that were not initially damaged. To address specifics of our models we developed a highly-sensitive molecular assay for quantification of chromosomal rearrangement in a cell population. It is all published in Open access here at Genes and Dev! And checkout our Twitter thread here. It was a great collaboration with the Heyer and Argueso labs!
- July 2023: We strike again with a 4-years grant from the ANR, which will fund a very exciting collaboration with the lab of Daniel Jost at the LBMC and of Angela Taddei (Institut Curie)! Our goal is to decipher the role of the Rad51 filament structure and dynamic in regulating homology search in S. cerevisiae.
- May 2023: We obtained a 3-years long funding from the ARC Foundation to carry out a project about the role of chromatin loop folding by cohesin in regulating target search during the repair of DNA break by homologous recombination, and how this regulation impact genome stability. A great help to bolster this project carried out by Vinciane in the team! Thanks ARC!
- February 2023: Second and last sabbatical stay of Wolf-Dietrich Heyer in the lab. Great discussions, great food, great science. What else?
- December 2022: The CNRS made a short video (in French) about our lab. Check it out here:
- November 2022: Aurèle has been awarded the CNRS bronze medal! Great evening celebrating together (and with alumni Hélène Bordelet) at the Université Lumière.
- October 2022: Fall, what a great season. Leaves turn orange, water finally falls from the sky, and PhD students join labs! And what to say about ours: we are welcoming not just one, but two super talented and super nice students! After Vinciane from the ENS in September, it is now Nicolas, also a former undergrad in the lab and first bioinformatician, who fills the grad students pack of the lab. Welcome Nicolas, and looking very much to live through the great discoveries ahead!
- October 2022: We were delighted to host Wolf-Dietrich Heyer in the lab for several days, to enjoy a great seminar, great discussions and great food! Can't wait for his next visit in 2023!
- October 2022: The great lab tradition goes unabatted, with already the third lab hike completed, this time in the Bugey, straight East of Lyon. Great canyon views and forest scramble to get to a confidential prehistoric cave. Not the best weather, but the best spirit: check out the pictures here!
- September 2022: Our method paper describing improved molecular assays to study D-loop metabolism in S. cerevisiae is out, featuring Jerome's decrosslinking step! A swift collaboration with the Heyer lab soon in live action: it is a JOVE article! Meanwhile the open access protocol is available here.
- September 2022: Vinciane loved it so much during her M2 internship that she decided to extend her stay for 3 more years, to do her PhD! How lucky for us!
- April 2022: What's up Doc? Turns out Aurèle is going to be awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal, which will be a motive of multiple celebrations in, out, and far beyond the lab :)
- November 2021: Alleluia, the first primary research paper from the lab about chromatin folding and DNA break repair by homologous recombination is out in Nature Cell Biology! A great collab with our partner in science, the Koszul lab, where I started this project. Thanks to all authors, and especially Helene Bordelet for the outstanding work! Read for free here. News and Views in the same issue here. The INSB highlight here. And Twitter thread here. Illustration courtesy of Noemie Guitter.
- October 2021: Welcome to Yasmina Djeghmoum, the first, one, and only PhD student of the lab! She will work on D-loop metabolism and recombination-mediated genomic instability in S. cerevisiae using the "magnificent" D-loop capture assay!
- July 2021: Our first paper is out! Jerome and I discuss sources of recombination-mediated genome rearrangements and the various fidelity-enforcing mechanisms suppressing them in a short Current Opinions in Genetics and Development review [PDF here].
- July 2021: Congrats to Jerome who just received a Wallonie-Bruxelles International postdoc fellowship!
- June 2021: Second lab hike! This time on the heights of the North part of Vercors: awesome views, cold caves, BBQ and Molkky!
- May 2021: We are thrilled to welcome Schayma Ben Marzougi (M2 student - ENSTA Paris) for her final internship, trying to kick off some polymer modelling in the lab!
- April 2021: Welcome to Nicolas Mendiboure (M1 student - INSA Lyon) for his internship in bioinformatics, and let's hope he will be able to come in person a little more in a few weeks.
- March 2021: Check out how we use the amazing technology of glass to reduce our plastic footprint here!
- January 2021: We are delighted to welcome Vinciane Piveteau (M2 student - ENS Lyon) as the first student of the lab!
- December 2020: Our latest study I initiated in the lab of Romain Koszul and further developed by Hélène on the role of Cohesin in regulating homology search during homologous recombination is available as a preprint on BioRxiv. First co-last author paper of the lab!
- October 2020: Publication of our homemade protocols for physical DNA joint molecules detection in S. cerevisiae and the genetic study of multi-invasion-induced rearrangements in Methods in Molecular Biology. Check it out here.
- September 2020: First lab hike ever! Check out the pictures here.
- September 2020: Welcome to Agnès, our research engineer !! She joined from far far away, somewhere in the 1st floor of the LBMC.
- April 2020: Welcome to Jérôme, a new postdoc in the lab (although in a virtual form at first). As of now he still did not give me a proper picture of himself!
- January 2020: BREAKING: Hélène is the first person to dare join the lab! Warmest welcome and looking forward to the great science ahead!