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Marylin Vantard — Organization of microtubules in acentriolar cells : chaos or self-order ?

Speaker :

Marylin Vantard, CNRS, CEA Grenoble

When :

Wednesday 18 April at 11h

Where :

Salle C023 (RDC LR6 côté Centre Blaise Pascal)

Title :

Organization of microtubules in acentriolar cells : chaos or self-order ?

Abstract :

Microtubule (MT) bundling is a crucial step in organizing numerous acentrosomal MT arrays in eucaryote cells. These self-organized robust yet dynamic structures are involved in diverse sets of cellular processes, including cell morphogenesis, establishment of cell polarity and cell division. This is true for most differentiated animal cell types that contain large numbers of MT arrays not radiating from the centrosome, plant cells that lack a well-defined MT organizing center and most fungi. The MT bundles are built through the activity of cross-linking proteins, including motor or/and non-motor microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), among them the non-motor MAP65 family. In particular, these MAPs are instrumental in cortical MT organization in plant and yeast (s. pombe) and in the maintenance of spindle bipolarity during anaphase in eukaryote. To address the question of how MAP65 control the organization and functioning of MT bundles, we focused on plant MAP65. We reconstituted MT bundle arrays in vitro by developing biomimetic assays and micro-patterning method that impose geometries of assembly for MTs at scales corresponding to cellular dimensions. MT dynamics were observed using dual view TIRF microscopy.The different data that define some molecular mechanisms by which plant MAP65 coordinate MT growth within bundles, modify MT mechanical properties (increased of MT bending stiffness) and induce bundle networks (cortical array, midzone) will be presented.

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