
Agenda de l'ENS de Lyon

Séminaire La Fabrique de l'Opinion

mer 06 juin 2018

de 9h à 17h


Salle 115 - 1er étage

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Site Monod
46 allée d'Italie
69364 Lyon cedex 07

  • Christine Cuskley
  • Josquin Debaz
  • Guillaume Deffuant
  • Gerardo Iniguez
  • Guy Theraulaz
Langue(s) des interventions
Description générale


"Je pense donc je suis": we, human beings are to some extent defined by our ability to think, i.e. to produce ideas. Some of those ideas can be called "opinions" in the sense that they integrate a judgmental connotation. One important question is: how do we forge our opinions? How much are they the expression of our "libre abitre" and how much are they related to the propagation of doxa, that is the shared body of predominant opinions among a given society? This of course might be seen as especially important in the wake of the "fake news" propagation, where traditional scientific logic-based opinions have become largely inaudible.

We will gather a very diverse body of researchers from very different disciplines to interrogate how our opinions are formed, maintained, and maybe changed. We will balance both model-based results with more empirical data-based approaches.

 For more details and the programme of the conference, please check the link below:


 You are all welcome to attend.

