
ECO-3210 : Global Economic History

ECO-3210 : Global Economic History

Responsable(s) :
  • Jean Pascal Bassino


L3 / 1e année



2e semestre
Site Descartes

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Informations générales sur le cours : ECO-3210

Content objectif

ECO-3210: Global economic history 

Responsible teacher: Jean-Pascal BASSINO (jean-pascal.bassino [at] ens-lyon.fr)

The objective of the course is to propose an overview of the main issues discussed in economic history, with a global perspective over the very long term (from the neolithic revolution to the 20th century).

 The course is organised into 12 sessions dedicated each to a specific topic.

  1. Living standards and inequalities in the World since the 19th century
  2. Living standards and inequalities in the World before the 19th century
  3. The Neolithic revolution: cost and benefit
  4. Exogenous shocks: climate, famines, and pandemics since ca 500 BP
  5. Migrations, technology diffusion, and institutional change before the 19th centuries
  6. Violence, Empires, and margins of the States before the mid-19th century
  7. International trade before the 19th century
  8. Human capital accumulation since ca 500 CE
  9. The divergence within Europe and between Europe and the Middle East since the 10th century
  10. The Great Divergence between Asia and Europe since the 15th century
  11. International trade, imperialism, and globalization since the 19th century
  12. Protectionism and industrialization since the 19th century