Hiring Campaign – Computer Science Department / LIP Laboratory ENS 2011
Position of Professor 27th section
The CSD and LIP invite applications for a position of Professor in Computer Science for the beginning of the school year 2011.
Teaching Contact: eric.fleury@ens-lyon.fr
Research Contact: gilles.villard@ens-lyon.fr
Research. The Professor will reinforce LIP‘s research according to the project set up in the laboratory’s four-year plan. This project’s scope is the study and anticipation of the digital world and its theoretical foundations, in order to invent new ICT concepts and methods and to anticipate their repercussions on other science domains. Research is organized along two complementary axes crossing all eight teams:
- models and methods in mathematical computer science;
- challenges of future computing and communication architectures.
The machine (computer, infrastructure), be it the physical object or the abstract entity, is at the core of the studies. Research in LIP has always covered both fundamental and development aspects, which is a major source of invention. The laboratory is traditionally and profusely open to mathematics, but also to communication and semi- conductor industries, digital sciences, modelization, and life sciences.The candidate will collaborate closer with one of the laboratory’s teams and could bring in a new research theme, in concordance with those of the laboratory’s project. Brilliant candidates of all profiles and backgrounds are invited to apply; the final choice will depend first and foremost on the application’s quality. This recruitment is very open; external French and foreign applications will be favored.
Teaching. The teaching will be done in the Computer Science Department of ENS Lyon, for the Licence (L3) and the Master (M1 and M2), in the Fundamental Computer Science specialty. One of the emblematic characteristics of this ENS Lyon formation is that it is resolutely done by and for research in Computer Science. This pledge to giving a formation to excellence research is reflected on the organization of the courses. The priorities of the Meyrieux campus also bring about important strategic challenges related to complexity and modelization. The Computer Science Department of ENS Lyon integrates this local context by supporting interdisciplinary formations. Care should be taken that the teachings be related to the candidate’s project/research theme, and have their place in one of the three curricula of the Fundamental Computer Science specialty|”Computer Science Mathematics”, “Algorithmic”, “Models and Optimizations for Emerging Infrastructures” or be related to the “Modelization of Complex Systems” curriculum. The Fundamental Computer Science specialty is a complete formation with, on one side, courses teaching the fundamental bases of a solid general culture in computer science and, on the other, more specialized courses offering an introduction to research. The “Complex Systems” curriculum is based on the Fundamental Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics Masters of ENS Lyon. Candidates bringing areas of competence complementary to those of the CS Department and proposing new courses will be particularly appreciated.
The Professor will have to put to use his capacities for organization management and assume administrative responsibilities in the management of the ENS Lyon Computer Science Department.
Nota. The recruitment procedure in France involves preliminary steps that need to be accomplished before the position actually becomes available (see below). All potentially interested candidates should start the process as soon as possible:
French qualification procedure (as of October 2010)
Application procedure. In France, the procedure is done in two steps: first, every candidate applies to a national committee that assesses the overall level of the candidate’s profile and delivers a qualification, which is valid for 4 years. However (décret du 23/04/2009), candidates holding a position at a level equivalent to that of the vacant position in a foreign university are exempt from the the qualification procedure. Such foreign applications will be reviewed by the ENS Scientific Council prior to the hiring committee meetings.
First stage: qualification. The qualification procedure is specific to France, and is done by the CNU (Comité National des Universités), which is divided into sections, one for each discipline. See the web page of the Computer Science section for extremely useful information: all interested candidates should read the qualification section there, but here follows a short summary of the important dates.
The first step of qualification is performed at the following web site. You can register, and fill in the required forms here.
This very first step must be completed very soon: before the 28th of October. Interested candidates should not be afraid to contact us early in case of difficulty with the qualification procedure. A few weeks after the application has been registered on the web site, the names of the two reviewers will be given on the 16th of November on the Antares website.
Candidates should then immediately send their full application to the two reviewers, no later than the 17th of December 2010.