Description générale
- 09h00-09h15 : Ouverture de la journée
- 09h15-09h30 : Thomas Scanlon, Harvard University
A retrospective look at The Difficulty of Tolerance
I. Freedom of expression and tolerance
- 09h30-10h15 : Charles Girard, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Freedom of expression and the nature of rights (chap. 1, 5, 8)
- 10h15-11h00 : Juliette Roussin, Collège de France
The Difficulty of Tolerance Today (chap. 10)
II. Rights and equality
- 11h15-12h00 : Victor Mardellat, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
« The Political Is Personal »: Scanlon and Cohen on the Significance of Political Values (chap. 11)
- 12h00-12h45 : Mathilde Unger, Université de Strasbourg
Human Rights and the Conditions of Self-Governement (chap. 6)
III. Identity
- 14h30-16h45 : Thomas Scanlon, Harvard University
Ideas of Identity and Their Normative Status
Répondants : Bertrand Guillarme, Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis ; Bernard Manin, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales / New York University
- 16h45-17h00 : Conclusion de la journée
Charles Girard : charles.girard [at] (charles[dot]girard[at]univ-lyon3[dot]fr)
Mots clés