Résumé : The French-Chinese Institute of Lyon, between 1921 and 1946, received 473 students. Several of them were enrolled at the end of the 1920s at the School of Fine Arts of Lyon, including Lü Sibai (1905-1973), Chang Shuhong (1905-1994), or a few years earlier, Sun Fuxi (1898-1962). In the construction project of a modern China initiated by Cai Yuanpei, France was seen as an essential political and cultural model. What was the role of the stay in Lyon in the training of these students who just arrived from abroad ? A graduate from the Central University of Nanjing, Lü Sibai, a follower of Xu Beihong, was noticed by his teacher Georges Décôte (1870-1951), a former student of Gustave Moreau. Lü Sibai enthusiastically discovered the "Holy Wood" of Puvis de Chavannes, whose poetic and bucolic atmosphere would deeply influence him. Like his classmates, he continued his studies in Paris (under the guidance of André Devambez). We will retrace the life in Lyon of Lü Sibai, but also of Chang Shuhong, Sun Fuxi or Chen Shiwen according to the archives of these Chinese students and of their art teachers in Lyon. We will also try to analyse the asymmetry of the definition of artistic "modernity" in France and in China and to understand the impact of tthe Lyon experience on the carrier of these artists.
Cette conférence s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet de la Getty Foundation "Connecting Art Histories" : Ethnographic Eye II : Entangled Modernities : Chinese Artists Trained in Europe.
marie.laureillard [at] univ-lyon2.fr (marie[dot]laureillard[at]univ-lyon2[dot]fr)
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