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Séminaires passés

Date Intervenant Titre Salle Contact
13/09/2024 Mariana VALERIO How to Enter the Cell: Molecular Dynamics Studies of Viral Entry and LNP Delivery Salle des Thèses, Equipe Pellarin Martin
06/09/2024 Robin MOM Aquaporin (AQP) structural archetype and its modulations Salle Condorcet, Equipe Jalinot Mocquet
18/07/2024 Marco Cecchini, Associate Professor - University of Strasbourg Towards a molecular understanding of synaptic neurotransmission by Markov-state modelling Salle des thèses, Site Monod - ENS de Lyon
05/07/2024 Nicolas Schmitz, RSSI - ENS Lyon Cybersécurité Salle des thèses
28/06/2024 Jean Michel ARBONA Kinetic modelling of replication, neural network use case in replication studies, and explainability Equipe Jost, Salle des thèses
25/06/2024 Modesto OROZCO, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Institute for Research in Biomedicine / University of Barcelona Pushing the limits of multiscale chromatin simulation Salle des Thèses, Equipe Pellarin Martin
21/06/2024 Florian Stengel - University of Konstanz & Jan Erzberger - University of Texas Southwestern) Prof. Florian Stengel, University of Konstanz, "Studying proteome organization and cellular compartmentalization: from proteins to functional compartments" Prof. Jan Erzberger, University of Texas Southwestern "Exploring rRNA Remodeling Mechanisms: The Role of DEAD-box ATPases in Ribosome Assembly" Salle des Thèses, Equipe Pellarin Martin
14/06/2024 Angela Taddei (Institut Curie) Dynamics of Rad51 in living cells: shedding new light on homology search Salle des thèses
07/06/2024 Masters 2 Salle des thèses
31/05/2024 Corinne ALBIGES-RIZO, IAB Grenoble Partitioning of adhesive receptors to govern cell migratory strategies Salle des thèses
29/05/2024 Dr. Sadhan Das, through the BIOSANTEXC Mobility program Epigenetic regulators in diabetic cardiovascular complications room MGN1 103 (former R115), E Ricci
28/05/2024 Mithun Mitra - IIT Bombay Protein search on chromatin backbones: Coupling structure and function room MGN1-107, former R117, D. Jost
24/05/2024 Agnès BANRETI - Institut de Biologie Valrose (IBV) Nice Biological roles of proteome homochirality maintenance and the underlying mechanisms Salle des Thèses, Equipe Auboeuf Bourgeois
17/05/2024 Bastien BOUSSAU Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive, Lyon Phylogenetic identification of sites and genes associated to discrete and continuous phenotypes Salle des Thèses, Equipe Pellarin Martin
06/05/2024 Mini-symposium "Small regulatory RNAs" Clément Carré (Sorbonne Université, Paris) / Hervé Seitz (Institut de Génétique Humaine, Montpellier) / Sébastien Pfeffer (Université de Strasbourg) Salle des Thèses, K. Jouravleva
03/05/2024 Athma Pai, UMASS Chan Medical School - USA Racing the 3' end: tracking the speed, accuracy, and coordination of mRNA biogenesis Salle des thèses
26/04/2024 Pascal BERNARD Understanding how the DNA-loop-extruding protein complex Condensin folds a chromatinized genome into mitotic chromosomes Equipe Bernard, Salle des thèses
19/04/2024 Fabien DUVEAU Concepts and tools to unravel mechanisms of regulatory evolution in dynamic environments Equipe Yvert, Salle des thèses
12/04/2024 Daan NORDERMEER - Université Paris Saclay Decrypting the insulator code – how extended TAD boundaries control inter-TAD encounters through loop extrusion dependent and independent mechanisms Salle des thèses, Equipe Jost
05/04/2024 Raphaelle DUBRUILLE Sequential nucleosome disassembly during the histone-to-protamine transition in Drosophila Equipe Loppin, Salle des thèses
29/03/2024 Jonathan Bohlen - Institut Imagine, Paris. Human genetics as a tool to understand immunity -using germline and somatic variants to bridge from molecular lesion to clinical phenotype- Salle des thèses
22/03/2024 Luis BORGES ARAUJO Exploring Biological Systems with the Martini Coarse Grained Force Field Equipe Martin & Pellarin, Salle des thèses
15/03/2024 Emiliano RICCI Virus replication as seen from the ribosome point of view Equipe Ricci, Salle des thèses
08/03/2024 Antoine COULON, Institut Curie - Paris Understanding interphase chromosomes as physical objects Salle des thèses, Equipe Jost
01/03/2024 Yasmina DJEGHMOUN Transcription is a cis-acting anti-recombination mechanism that promotes genome stability Equipe Piazza, Salle des thèses
23/02/2024 CANCELLED Equipe Jalinot-Mocquet, Salle des thèses
16/02/2024 GUEST Salle des thèses
09/02/2024 Pascal HAGOLANI Pleiotropy and Evolution under the lens of development - An in silico study Equipe Pantalacci Sémon, Salle des thèses
02/02/2024 Dario D'ASARO On the role of replication and cohesion in genome organization Equipe Jost, Salle des thèses
26/01/2024 Franck PICARD Kernel-based testing for single-cell differential analysis Equipe Gandrillon, Salle des thèses
19/01/2024 ETUDIANTS EN THESE Salle des thèses
12/01/2024 Yingquan SHAN The Role of Lipid Droplets in Germ Cell Programmed Necrosis during Drosophila Spermatogenesis Equipe MOLLEREAU, Salle des Thèses
15/12/2023 GUEST Salle des thèses
12/12/2023 Steve Perlman (University of Victoria, Canada) Selfish X chromosomes in Drosophila Amphi L, Equipe Loppin
08/12/2023 Pascal BERNARD Understanding the integrated functioning of condensin : from mitotic chromosome assembly to DNA replication and vice versa Equipe Bernard, Salle des thèses
01/12/2023 Laurent MODOLO Hub Biocomputing: skills overview Salle des Thèses
24/11/2023 Claudio LOPEZ Genomics of wild and domesticated Saccharomyces yeast from Mexico Equipe Francesconi, Salle des thèses
17/11/2023 Brice LETCHER Deciphering developmentally-programmed DNA elimination in Mesorhabditis nematodes Equipe DELATTRE, Salle des Thèses
10/11/2023 Gaël YVERT How to bring light on chromatin biophysics during DNA repair? Equipe YVERT, Salle des thèses
27/10/2023 Nitin Phadnis, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA Genomic conflicts and the molecular basis of speciation in Drosophila Salle des thèses
20/10/2023 CANCELLED - Hub Biocomputing
17/10/2023 Valerio Sorichetti, ISTA (Saric group) - Vienna Electrostatic patchy interactions drive chromosome clustering in eukaryotes MGN105 (former R116), Equipe Jost
06/10/2023 Antoine GUICHET, Institut Jacques Monod - Paris Coordination of different microtubule networks to position a nucleus asymmetrically. Salle des thèses, Equipe Grammont
29/09/2023 Aurèle PIAZZA & Agnès DUMONT Development of ssDNA-specific Hi-C protocol reveals a controlled expansion of homology search during DNA break repair by homologous recombination Equipe PIAZZA, Salle des Thèses
22/09/2023 Vikram Agarwal - Head of mRNA Platform Design Data Science of the mRNA Center of Excellence of Sanofi Machine learning guided mRNA design for vaccine development Salle des thèses, Equipe Ricci
22/09/2023 Antoine GUICHET, Institut Jacques Monod - Paris Equipe Grammont, Salle des Thèses
18/09/2023 Pauline DUPAIGNE, Gustave Roussy - Villejuif RAD52 integrates within RAD51 presynaptic filaments and stimulates in vitro homology search mechanism in humans Equipe Piazza, AMPHI C
15/09/2023 Francesca PALLADINO SIN-3 transcriptional coregulator maintains mitochondrial homeostasis and polyamine flux Equipe PALLADINO, Salle des Thèses
13/09/2023 Vikram AGARWAL, Institut Pasteur - Paris Equipe RICCI, Salle des Thèses
31/08/2023 Jean Louis Mergny Laboratoire d'Optique et Biosciences (LOB) Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau Quadruplexes are everywhere Equipe Auboeuf / Bourgeois Salle des thèses
07/07/2023 David CLUET De novo high affinity peptides: from in silico design to in cellula quantification Equipe Ricci - Salle des Thèses
03/07/2023 Axel DELAMARRE, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York Proximity Copy Pasting (PCP): A new method to map the 3D organization of chromatin Equipe Piazza, Salle des Thèses
30/06/2023 GUEST Salle des Thèses
23/06/2023 Daniel JOST Why should you interact (or not) with a theoretical biophysicist ? Illustration in 4D Genomics Equipe Jost - Salle des Thèses
16/06/2023 Olivier Raineteau - Stem Cell and Brain Research Institute (SBRI), Lyon single cell analysis of neural progenitors heterogeneity in the postnatal mouse brain Equipe Pantalacci Sémon - Salle des Thèses
15/06/2023 Monique ZETKA, Department of Biology McGill University, Québec Chromosome morphogenesis and the regulation of meiotic events in C. elegans Salle des Thèses, Equipe Delattre
09/06/2023 Masters 2 - Eva Marandet - Equipe Mollereau / Paul-Swann Puel - Equipe Jost Functions of Dob lipase in neuronal lipid droplet homeostasis in Drosophila Modélisation du système chromatine/protéines épigénétiques pour l'étude des transitions de phase liquide-liquide dans le noyau cellulaire Salle des Thèses
02/06/2023 Juliette Martin & Riccardo PELLARIN - Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines (IBCP) Lyon Dynamics and Control of Biological Assemblies and Macromolecular Machines Salle des Thèses
26/05/2023 Florian Steiner, Department of Molecular Biology - University of Geneva Epigenetic inheritance of chromatin states in C. elegans Equipe Delattre, Salle des Thèses
11/05/2023 Christian BRAENDLE - Université Côte d’Azur, Germano CECERE - Institut Pasteur - Paris, Bart DEPLANCKE - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Susan MANGO University of Basel Mini Symposium (details below) AMPHI B
05/05/2023 CANCELLED - Joan Barau Institute of Molecular Biology - IMB, Mainz Germany Germline epigenetics at the crossroads of fertility and evolution Equipe Palladino - Salle des Thèses
28/04/2023 René KETTING - Institute of Molecular Biology GmbH (IMB) Mainz, Germany Molecular mechanisms behind small RNA mediate genome defence Equipe Delattre, Salle des Thèses
21/04/2023 Audrey Gibert, Audrey Lapendry, Nicolas Fontrodona Composition bias promoting self-assembly links the genome- and the cell-spatial organization Equipe Auboeuf - Salle des Thèses
14/04/2023 Christophe ARPIN In silico analysis of single cell expression data reveals large metabolic perturbations during the activation of CD8 T cells in response to a viral infection Equipe Gandrillon - Salle des Thèses
07/04/2023 Benjamin LOPPIN Unexpected forces shaping sperm chromatin evolution Equipe Loppin - Salle des Thèses
31/03/2023 Sophie PANTALACCI On the evolution of serial organ identity: lessons from RNAseq and first hints from scRNAseq Equipe Pantalacci Sémon - Salle des Thèses
24/03/2023 Nathalie BEAUJEAN - Stem cell and Brain Research Institute (SBRI), Bron Reprogramming of rabbit iPS cells to naive pluripotency and chimeric competency Salle des Thèses, Equipe Loppin
17/03/2023 Vincent MOCQUET the RNA helicase UPF1 between antiviral and proviral functions Equipe Jalinot Mocquet, Salle des thèses
10/03/2023 Vincent VANOOSTHUYSE iCoRD, an innovative strategy to determine the direct impact of RNA: DNA hybrids on genome stability Equipe Bernard - Salle des Thèses
03/03/2023 Bénédicte Sanson - Dept. of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge How embryos shape themselves: mechanisms of epithelial morphogenesis in an in vivo model Equipe Grammont, Salle des Thèses
24/02/2023 Michele ROMANOS (Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon) Cell and tissue dynamics during vertebrate embryo axis elongation: a bio-mathematical point of view Salle des Thèses, Equipe Cigogne
21/02/2023 Wolf-Dietrich HEYER, UC Davis College of Biological Sciences Mechanism and regulation of DNA repair: RAD52 and BRCA2 regulate pathway choice in double-stranded DNA break repair Equipe Piazza, Salle des Thèses
17/02/2023 Mirko FRANCESCONI Adaptive intergenerational memory of pheromone perception in C. elegans Equipe Francesconi - Salle des Thèses
10/02/2023 CANCELLED
03/02/2023 David GATFIELD - Université de Lausanne, Suisse Using the circadian clock to uncover mechanisms and functions of post-transcriptional gene expression regulation Salle des Thèses - Equipe Ricci
27/01/2023 Raouf ISSA The two-level action: Brain development and physiology through the function of Hox genes in mature neurons Equipe Mollereau - Salle des Thèses
20/01/2023 PRESENTATION DES ETUDIANTS EN 1ère année de thèse Salle des Thèses, Eq Piazza
13/01/2023 Marie DELATTRE Programmed-DNA Elimination in Mesorhabditis Nematodes Equipe Delattre - Salle des Thèses
06/01/2023 Aurèle PIAZZA Mechanism of recombination-mediated chromosomal rearrangement formation independent of DNA synthesis Equipe Piazza - Salle des Thèses
16/12/2022 Julie CARNESECCHI, IGFL On the multiple roads to cell fate decision: integrating transcription factors into RNA-regulatory networks Salle des Thèses, Equipe Yvert
09/12/2022 Muriel GRAMMONT Exploring how epithelial cells are shaped by the mechanics of surrounding tissues Equipe Grammont - Salle des Thèses
02/12/2022 ANNULE Equipe Mollereau - Salle des Thèses
28/11/2022 Romain LEVAYER - Institut Pasteur, Paris Collective effects in epithelial cell death: from cell competition, tissue homeostasis to cell extrusion Equipe Grammont, Amphi H
25/11/2022 UAR TOUR A presentation of some of the SFR Biosciences platforms and their newest equipments (microscopy, cytometry, protein science, metabolism…). The opportunity to discuss with the plateforms experts. Salle des Thèses
18/11/2022 Alice DUFOUR Single-cell growth of de novo mutants Equipe Yvert - AMPHI L
10/11/2022 Hossein SALARI Gene transcription regulates spatiotemporal genome organization through micro-phase separation mediated by RNA Polymerase II Equipe Jost - Salle des Thèses
28/10/2022 GUEST Salle des Thèses
18/10/2022 Guillaume DISS, Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI) - Basel, Switzerland Deep mutational scanning of entire human protein interaction domain families Equipe Francesconi - Salle Condorcet - 1 place de l'école
17/10/2022 Wolf-Dietrich HEYER (UC Davis) Mechanism of homologous recombination: The roles of the Rad54 and Rdh54/Tid1 motor proteins Equipe Piazza - Salle des Thèses
14/10/2022 Denis HEADON - University of Edinburgh, UK Different contributions of epithelium and mesenchyme in patterning of the skin Equipe Pantalacci Sémon - Salle des Thèses
07/10/2022 Karina JOURAVLEVA - Université du Massachusetts Medical School Specificity and function of Argonaute protein-mediated pathways Salle des Thèses - Equipe Ricci
29/09/2022 Valentine CLERC Helicases DDX5 and DDX17 in pathologies associated with nervous system development defect Equipe Auboeuf - Salle des Thèses
22/09/2022 GUEST Salle des Thèses
15/09/2022 Timothée KASTYLEVSKY Multilevel study of molecular convergence in rodent tooth Equipe Sémon Pantalacci - Salle des Thèses
13/09/2022 René KETTING - IMB Mainz Salle des Thèses, Equipe Bernard
09/09/2022 Camille FOURNEAUX Transcriptional memory during erythrocytic differentiation Equipe Gandrillon - Salle des Thèses
20/07/2022 René Ketting Institute of Molecular Biology - IMB, Germany Equipe Bernard - Salle des Thèses
07/07/2022 Denis HEADON - University of Edinburgh, UK Equipe Pantalacci Sémon - Salle des Thèses
01/07/2022 Romain KOSZUL, Institut Pasteur - Paris Molecular mechanisms and chromatin determinants of chromosome folding in yeast Salle des Thèses, Equipe Piazza
24/06/2022 Thibault SOHIER Ribosome interactome recomposition by viral infections and contribution of ribosome-associated proteins to viral replication Equipe Ricci - Amphi G
17/06/2022 Jérémy LEBRETON Rrp6/EXOSC10 is involved in condensin-mediated chromosome segregation in fission yeast Equipe Bernard - Salle des Thèses
10/06/2022 Séminaire des M2 - Megha Maria Jacob (Eq Grammont) Sahra Aniorte (Eq Mollereau) Nathan Lecouvreur (Eq Jost) Rémy Mimbre (Eq Delattre) Loane Joly (Eq Ricci) cf. description Salle des Thèses
03/06/2022 Kane Toh, Genomics and Data Analytics Core (GeDaC), National University of Singapore - WEBINAR Zebrafish Neuromesodermal Progenitors Undergo a Critical State Transition in vivo WEBINAR, Equipe Gandrillon
20/05/2022 Fabien DUVEAU Dynamic control of yeast cell response and survival to periodic stress by the metabolic environment WEBINAR - Equipe Yvert
13/05/2022 Boopathi RAMACHANDRAN Nucleosome Invasion Mechanism of the Pioneer Transcription Factor Sox Equipe Jalinot Mocquet - Salle des Thèses
06/05/2022 Nick Gilbert (Professor of Chromatin Biology, Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit at the University of Edinburgh) Regulation of large-scale chromatin architecture in mammalian cells Salle des Thèses, Equipe Bernard
02/05/2022 Marie-Hélène VERLHAC - College de France - Paris Cytoplasmic forces organize the oocyte nucleus across scales 1 place de l'école, G. Yvert
29/04/2022 Raphaëlle DUBRUILLE Safeguarding paternal chromosome identity in the fly zygote: new insights from an old mutant Equipe Loppin - Salle des Thèses
26/04/2022 Eric Cornes Maragliano, Institut Pasteur - Paris CANCELLED Non-coding small RNAs as versatile regulators of germline gene expression programs CANCELLED Salle des Thèses
22/04/2022 Caroline BLANC HEPES, CRISPR, EdU and the atypical meiosis of Mesorhabditis belari Equipe Delattre - Salle des Thèses
15/04/2022 Ulysse Herbach, INRIA Nancy Gene regulatory network reconstruction and simulation in presence of transcriptional bursting Salle des Thèses, Equipe Gandrillon
08/04/2022 Cécile BEDET Genome-wide approaches to understand the function of the SIN3 coregulatory complex Equipe Palladino - Salle des Thèses
01/04/2022 Jérôme SAVOCCO Finding homology: the treacherous journey of broken DNA in a heterologous sea Equipe Piazza - Salle des Thèses
25/03/2022 Bin Zhang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT) Genome Organization through Phase Separation: Random yet Precise Salle des Thèses, Equipe Jost
18/03/2022 Marion CELLE Establishing a Drosophila model of BPAN disease Equipe Mollereau - Salle des Thèses
11/03/2022 Fabien AUBE Interplay between amino acid metabolism and gene expression regulation in anticancer therapy resistance Equipe Auboueuf - Salle des Thèses
04/03/2022 Haitham Shaban, EPFL - Lausanne Visualizing coordination between chromatin structure, dynamics, and transcription in space and time Salle des Thèses, Equipe Jost
25/02/2022 Camille FOURNEAUX Evidence for close molecular proximity between reverting and undifferentiated cells Equipe Gandrillon - Salle des Thèses
18/02/2022 Maxime TORTORA Liquid-liquid phase separation in nucleo: Insights from simple biophysical models Equipe Jost - Salle des Thèses
11/02/2022 CANCELLED Equipe - Salle des Thèses
04/02/2022 Can Cenik, University of Texas at Austin Single cell quantification of ribosome occupancy in early mouse development Webinar, Equipe Ricci
28/01/2022 Marco Di Stefano (Institute of Human Genetics, Montpellier) Biophysical modeling of chromosome structure Webinar, Equipe Jost
21/01/2022 Léonard COLIN Evidence that nucleosome arrays hinder condensin in vivo Equipe Bernard - Salle des Thèses
14/01/2022 Ghislain DURIF, Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck (IMAG) Statistics, machine learning (and more) for applications in biology
07/01/2022 Gaël YVERT Optogenetic probing of the 4D genome Equipe Yvert - Webinar
17/12/2021 Baptiste TESSON From wound-healing to evisceration: when JUN/DPP signaling fails in D. melanogaster embryogenesis Equipe Grammont - Salle des Thèses
10/12/2021 CANCELLED Equipe Mocquet Jalinot - Salle des Thèses
03/12/2021 Marie-Noelle Prioleau, Institut Jacques Monod - Université Paris Diderot Spatiotemporal control of DNA replication in vertebrates Salle des Thèses, Equipe Gandrillon
26/11/2021 Benjamin Loppin The killer within: poisoning sperm chromatin by the symbiotic bacteria Wolbachia Equipe Loppin - Salle des Thèses
19/11/2021 Carine REY Programmed genome elimination in a free-living soil nematode, Mesorhabditis belari Equipe Delattre - Salle des Thèses
12/11/2021 Corentin Claeys Bouuaert Université catholique de Louvain - Belgique Mechanistic insights into the formation of meiotic DNA double-strand breaks Equipe Piazza - Salle des Thèses
05/11/2021 * Equipe Piazza - Salle des Thèses
29/10/2021 Loïc GELY CFP-1/Cxxc1 and SIN-3 : key regulators of the germline transcriptional program in C. elegans Equipe Palladino - Salle des Thèses
22/10/2021 Leonid A. Mirny, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Chromatin as a memory machine Equipe Jost - Salle des Thèses
15/10/2021 Mirko Francesconi What your mom smelt decides the age at which you can first have sex (if you are a roundworm) Salle des Thèses - Equipe Francesconi
08/10/2021 Jean Noël ARSAC (ANSES) Consequences of an exposure to the herbicide paraquat on a Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease WEBINAR - Equipe Mollereau
01/10/2021 Amith Z. Abdulla et Daniel Jost Painters in chromatin: a unified framework for the establishment and maintenance of epigenomic information. Application to constitutive and facultative heterochromatin Salle des Thèses - Equipe Jost
24/09/2021 Stéphane MARCAND, CEA Institut de biologie François Jacob - Paris Chromosome Fusion Capture Assay and its Application to Telomere Biology Equipe Piazza - Salle des Thèses
17/09/2021 Soline CHANET, Collège de France - PARIS Coordinated morphogenesis of germline and somatic cells for the formation of the female gamete Equipe Grammont - Salle des Thèses
10/09/2021 Margaux PRIEUX Memory precursors are generated at multiple points during CD8 T cell response to an acute infection Salle des Thèses - Equipe Gandrillon
03/09/2021 Paul MARIE Gene-gene coordination of alternative splicing upon NF-kB activation by HTLV-1 Tax Equipe Auboeuf - Salle des Thèses
30/07/2021 GUEST Equipe Grammont - Salle des Thèses
02/07/2021 Alejandro Burga Ramos - Institute of Molecular Biotechnology - Vienna Austria Selfish toxin-antidote elements in animals: from gene drive to speciation WEBINAR Equipe Francesconi
25/06/2021 Emmanuel LABARONNE Characterizing the translational landscape of HIV-1 infected cells Equipe RICCI, WEBINAR
18/06/2021 Sophie PANTALACCI Extensive Developmental System Drift helped adaptation in a serial appendage Equipe Sémon-Pantalacci, WEBINAR
11/06/2021 Practice talks for M2 students Webinar
04/06/2021 Sandra DUHARCOURT, PhD Institut Jacques Monod Universite de Paris Epigenetics and genome gymnastics : A Polycomb complex with dual substrate specificity controls transposable elements in Paramecium Webinar On-line, EQuipe Delattre
03/06/2021 Practice talks for M2 students Vinciane Piveteau _ Equipe PiazzaDario D'Asaro _ Equipe JostJuliette Seimandi _ Equipe Francesconi WEBINAR
28/05/2021 Vincent VANOOSTHUYSE Are gene termini regulatory hubs for the 3D organization of chromosomes? Equipe Bernard, WEBINAR
21/05/2021 Léa PROCHASSON Impact of retroviral HIV-1 and HTLV-1 infection on Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) Equipe Jalinot-Mocquet, WEBINAR
14/05/2021 CANCELLED Equipe Jost, WEBINAR
07/05/2021 Alfredo Castellò Palomares (University of Oxford - Department of Biochemistry) When viral RNA met the host cell: a story of protein-RNA interactions WEBINAR, Equipe RICCI
30/04/2021 Fabien DUVEAU Mutational sources of regulatory variation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Equipe Yvert, WEBINAR
23/04/2021 Daniela Torres-Campana Epigenomic effectors converge to hyperactivate a gene essential for the oocyte-to-zygote transition Equipe Loppin, Webinar On-line
16/04/2021 Francesca PALLADINO A role for C. elegans SET1/COMPASS in transgenerational memory? Equipe Palladino, WEBINAR
09/04/2021 Olivier CUVIER - Center of Biology Integrative (CBI),CNRS Toulouse Chromatin insulators, loops and Topology: Chromosome structures...and functions ? WEBINAR, Equipe Bernard
02/04/2021 Caroline BLANC Characterization of the atypical meiosis found in asexual Mesorhabditis nematodes Equipe Delattre, WEBINAR
26/03/2021 Bertrand MOLLEREAU Consequences of Lipid droplet Accumulation in Parkinson's Disease,What is next? Equipe Mollereau, WEBINAR
19/03/2021 Alice DUFOUR Immediate and long-term fate(s) of cells losing a gene Equipe Yvert, WEBINAR
12/03/2021 Jessica VALAT Interconnection between transcription termination, alternative splicing and 3D organization of the genome mediated by RNA helicases DDX5 and DDX17 Equipe Auboeuf, Webinar On-line
05/03/2021 Dominic Grün - Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics Of Noise and Neighbours: Understanding driving forces of cell differentiation Equipe Gandrillon, WEBINAR
26/02/2021 Aurèle PIAZZA Spatial chromatin reorganization regulates homology search during DNA break repair Equipe Piazza, Salle des Thèses
19/02/2021 Thibault SOHIER Quantitative mass spectrometry of affinity purified ribosomes uncovers ribosome interactome specilization during viral infection Equipe Ricci, WEBINAR
12/02/2021 Stéphane VINCENT Function of the DPP Gene Regulatory Network during Drosophila dorsal closure Equipe Grammont, Salle des Thèses
05/02/2021 Geneviève FOUREL Centre Blaise Pascal Innate Immunity /Interferon pathway detects abnormal genome reorganization Innate Immunity / Interferon pathway as a First line immune surveillance pathway against cancer WEBINAR Online
29/01/2021 Marie DELATTRE Programmed-genome elimination in Mesorhabditis worms..and others Equipe Delattre WEBINAR Online
22/01/2021 Jon Houseley, Babraham Institute, Cambridge Transcriptionally-stimulated copy number variation as a mechanism for rapid adaptation to challenging environments WEBINAR, ONLINE Equipe Palldino
15/01/2021 Romain BULTEAU Predicting developmental age from transcriptomes with RAPToR Equipe Francesconi, Webinar On-line
08/01/2021 Jeremy LEBRETON Roles of RNA binding proteins in condensin-mediated chromosome segregation Equipe Bernard, WEBINAR
18/12/2020 Pr. Ody SIBON - Université de Groningen, Pays-Bas The conserved Drosophila lipid transfer protein Vps13 influences oogenesis and neurodegeneration WEBINAR - Equipe Mollereau
11/12/2020 CANCELED* Equipe Jalinot-Mocquet, Salle Condorcet - 1 place de l'école
04/12/2020 Daniel JOST Coupling biophysical modeling and live imaging to investigate somatic homologous pairing Equipe Jost, Webinar Online
27/11/2020 Christophe ARPIN Single cell studies of the CD8 T cell differentiation Equipe Gandrillon, WEBINAR Online
20/11/2020 Sabi Raouf Issa - University of Sussex Brighton, UK Identification of a novel post-developmental role of Hox genes in the neural function of adult Drosophila Equipe Mollereau, Webinar on-line
13/11/2020 Loïc GELY Exploring the role of the SIN3/HDAC complex in maintaining the C. elegans germline transcriptional program Equipe Palladino,Online
06/11/2020 Pascale LESAGE - Hopital Saint Louis - Transposition and spatial genome organization Integration site selection of a transposable element: How RNA Polymerase III helps Ty1 to find its target into the yeast genome Salle des Thèses
30/10/2020 Dominique Weil - Institute of Biology Paris-Seine, Paris, France. Importance of the GC content of mRNAs for their storage in P-bodies Equipe Ricci, Online
23/10/2020 Orsi GUILLERMO Smuggling in a suitcase: chromatin contortions to fit into the cricket sperm nucleus Equipe Loppin, Salle des Thèses
16/10/2020 Paul Villoutreix -Turing Centre for Living Systems, Marseille What is the function of form? Bridging morphogenesis and cell differentiation trajectories in developing embryos Equipe Gandrillon - Webinar - Online
09/10/2020 Franck PICARD Statistical Learning for Single Cell Genomics Equipe Gandrilllon, Salle des Thèses
02/10/2020 Jélane SAAD Targeting cancer cell physiological adaptation to counteract cancer therapy resistance Equipe Auboeuf, Salle des Thèses
25/09/2020 Eugene GLADYSHEV - Institut Pasteur, Paris - Webinar Online Recombination-independent recognition of DNA homology for meiotic silencing in Neurospora crassa Equipe Piazza, Webinar - Online
23/09/2020 Dominique Weil - Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine (IBPS) Equipe Ricci, Salle des Thèses
18/09/2020 CANCELLED Equipe Piazza, Webinar - Online
11/09/2020 Cosmin SAVEANU - Institut Pasteur - Département Génome et génétique- Webinar Online New factors involved in RNA translation and degradation identified by large scale genetic screens and quantitative mass spectrometry Equipe Piazza, Webinar - Online
04/09/2020 Jorg MORF Equipe Auboeuf, Salle des Thèses
26/06/2020 GUEST Salle des Thèses
19/06/2020 * Equipe Ricci, Salle des Thèses
12/06/2020 Séminaire M2 Salle des Thèses
05/06/2020 Stephan Vagner, Institut Curie - Paris Equipe Auboeuf, Salle des Thèses
29/05/2020 * Equipe Jalinot - Mocquet, Salle des Thèses
22/05/2020 Ascension
15/05/2020 * Equipe Bernard, Salle des Thèses
08/05/2020 Jour Férié - Victoire 1945
01/05/2020 Jour Férié - Fête du travail
24/04/2020 * Equipe Jost, Salle des Thèses
17/04/2020 Nick GILBERT (Université d'Edimbourg, GB) Salle des Thèses, Equipe Bernard
10/04/2020 * Equipe Yvert, Salle des Thèses
03/04/2020 * Equipe Sémon Pantalacci Salle des Thèses
27/03/2020 Sandra DUHARCOURT, Institut Jacques Monod, Paris Epigenetics and genome gymnastics in Paramecium: A Polycomb protein ensures transposable element repression Equipe Palladino - Salle des Thèses
20/03/2020 Jélane SAAD & Fabien AUBE Equipe Auboeuf, Grande Salle M6
13/03/2020 CANCELLED Mechanisms of centriole assembly - Pierre GÖNCZY - EPFL Lausanne, Suisse Salle des Thèses, Equipe Delattre
06/03/2020 Mirko FRANCESCONI Scent of a worm Equipe Francesconi, Salle des thèses
28/02/2020 Guillermo ORSI Lost in Transcription: No Country for Old Histones Equipe Loppin, Salle des Thèses
21/02/2020 Steve PERLMAN - University of Victoria, Canada Evolution and ecology of a Drosophila-Spiroplasma defensive symbiosis Salle des thèses, Equipe Loppin
14/02/2020 Paolo ANNIBALE, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association - BERLIN Quantitative fluorescence spectroscopy methods at the single cell level Salle des Thèses, Equipe Gandrillon
07/02/2020 ANNULE
31/01/2020 Marie-Emilie TERRET, Collège de France. Aberrant cortical tension generates aneuploidy in oocytes through deregulation of myosin-II Salle des Thèses, Equipe Delattre
24/01/2020 Haixiu JIN The Role of Regulated Ire1 Dependent Decay(RIDD)on Lipid Droplets in the CNS Equipe Mollereau, Salle des thèses
17/01/2020 Muriel GRAMMONT Anisotropy measurements: a tool to monitor protein clustering Equipe Grammmont, Salle des Thèses
10/01/2020 Christophe BONTEMPS, Toulouse School of Economics INRA How to Lie With Graphics? Salle des thèses, Equipe Gandrillon
20/12/2019 Marie DELATTRE - Caroline BLANC How to explore atypical meiosis and programmed genome elimination in Mesorhabditis nematodes Equipe Delattre - Salle des Thèses
13/12/2019 Fabien ERDEL, CBI Toulouse Partitioning the genome via chromatin looping and phase separation Equipe Jost - Grande Salle du M6
06/12/2019 Paola FABRIZIO Exploring the interplay between SET1/COMPASS and a SIN-3S HDAC complex in the regulation of life traits in Caenorhabditis elegans Equipe Palladino - Salle des Thèses
29/11/2019 Carole KNIBBE (Insa, Inria) / Eric TANNIER (Inria, LBBE) Quelle recherche scientifique dans l'anthropocène ? / How to do Science in the Anthropocene Era Equipe Gandrillon - Salle des Thèses
22/11/2019 Julian SALE, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge UK Managing sequences that stall replication Equipe Bernard - Salle des Thèses
15/11/2019 Nicolas SCHABANEL, Laboratoire de l’informatique du parallélisme ENS Lyon Building dna-based nanoobjects Equipe Gandrillon - Salle des Thèses
08/11/2019 CANCELLED
04/11/2019 Angela TADDEI, Institut Curie - Paris Physical nature of nuclear subcompartments: hints from single molecule tracking in living cells Grande Salle M6, Equipe Yvert
25/10/2019 Léonard COLIN Understanding how interplays between condensin and nucleosome dynamics shape mitotic chromosomes Equipe Bernard - Salle des Thèses
18/10/2019 Emiliano RICCI Translation has a global impact on mRNA decay during T cell and macrophage activation Equipe Ricci - Salle des Thèses
04/10/2019 Leonie Ringrose, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Epigenetics meets mathematics: The fusion of experiment and theory brings insights beyond intuition Equipe Palladino - Salle des Thèses
03/10/2019 Ricardo SOTO-RIFO, Institute of Biomedical Sciences - Universidad de Chile An epitranscriptomic switch defines the cytoplasmic fate of the HIV-1 genomic RNA Amphi Bio, Equipe Ricci
27/09/2019 ANNULE Equipe Grammont - Salle des Thèses
26/09/2019 Prof TieLiu Shi The Institute of Biomedical Sciences East China Normal University Shanghai, China Integrative analysis identifies potential DNA methylation biomarkers for pan-cancer diagnosis and prognosis. Salle 116, Equipe Mollereau
25/09/2019 Semovi - The 4D genome Semovi - The 4D genome O. Gandrillon ENS de Lyon - Amphi SVT
24/09/2019 Jan KRIVANEK - Masaryk University, Tchéquie Dental cell type atlas reveals new stem and differentiated cell types in mouse and human teeth Equipe Sémon Pantalacci Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
20/09/2019 Susan MANGO, Biozentrum, University of Basel The Dynamic Nucleus during Embryogenesis Salle des Thèses, Equipe Palladino
19/09/2019 Aurèle PIAZZA Department of Genomes and Genetics Institut Pasteur, Paris Homology search during homologous recombination: a multi-layered challenge at risk for genomic stability Amphi A -Equipe Auboeuf
13/09/2019 Gérard BENOIT Nuclear receptors in mouse ES/EC cells: from cell population to single-cell/single-molecule analyses Equipe Gandrillon - Salle des Thèses
06/09/2019 Raphaëlle DUBRUILLE On genetic conflicts and selective sperm elimination in Drosophila Equipe Loppin - Salle des Thèses
06/09/2019 Aurèle PIAZZA Homology search during homologous recombination: a multi-layered challenge at risk for genomic stability
28/06/2019 Robert FEIL, Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier IGMM Role of lncRNAs and chromatin structuration in genomic imprinting Equipe Palladino, Salle des Thèses
21/06/2019 Pablo NAVARRO, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, EPIC unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France Keeping nucleosomes in order during replication and mitosis Equipe Bernard - Amphi Schrodinger
14/06/2019 Masters 2 Léonard COLIN, Joris DEING, Margaux PRIEUX, Camille FOURNEAU, Loïc GELY Salle des Thèses
07/06/2019 Hélène DUPLUS Genetic manipulations of live cells using light Equipe Yvert - Salle des Thèses
24/05/2019 Ana LOSADA - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológica, Madrid Specific contributions of variant cohesin complexes to genome folding Equipe Bernard - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
17/05/2019 Fabien DUVEAU (Université Paris Diderot) Evolution of non-genetic variation in the expression of a yeast gene Equipe Yvert - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
10/05/2019 ANNULE ANNULE Equipe Jalinot - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
03/05/2019 Karine MONIER, CRCL Eternity buffer: 3 research fields collaborate for the development and technology transfer of an innovative buffer for super-resolution microscopy Equipe Gandrillon - Salle Condorcet - 1 place de l'école
26/04/2019 Equipe Palladino The CFP1/CXXC protein independently interacts with COMPASS and the SIN3/HDAC complex Equipe Palladino - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
12/04/2019 Daniel JOST Sharing is caring: role of 3D organization in epigenetic regulation Equipe Jost - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
05/04/2019 Léonard COLIN Investigating the functional interplay between nucleosomes and condensin Equipe Bernard - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
29/03/2019 Marie DELATTRE Males as somatic investment in a (forgotten) parthenogenetic nematode Equipe Delattre - Amphi K
25/03/2019 Anton CROMBACH, INRIA La Doua Evolution of the D. melanogaster chromatin landscape and its associated proteins Equipe Sémon Pantalacci - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
22/03/2019 Sophie PANTALACCI Modeling Edar expression reveals the hidden dynamics of tooth signaling center patterning Equipe Semon Pantalacci - Amphi Schrodinger
15/03/2019 Javier MORANTES, Alicante A body fat sensor triggers maturation initiation in Drosophila Equipe Mollereau - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
11/03/2019 Anne-Sophie Kuhlmann / Julien Villaudy Gene therapy for HIV: Antibody-secreting hematopoietic cells in humanized mice / The contribution of humanized mice in Immuno-Oncology: the example of AT1412, a fully human patient derived antibody against CD9 Equipe Jalinot / Duc Dodon - Amphi A
08/03/2019 Giorgio BERNARDI, Roma Tre University Le génome humain : une vue d’ensemble sur son organisation et son évolution Equipe Gandrillon - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'Ecole)
01/03/2019 Sophie TERRONE Role of RNA helicases DDX5/DDX17 in connecting 3D gene organization and alternative splicing Equipe Auboeuf -Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'Ecole)
22/02/2019 Olivier GANDRILLON A single-cell point of view on CML Equipe Gandrillon - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'Ecole)
15/02/2019 Pierre JALINOT Role in leukemogenesis of the ability of the HTLV-1 Tax protein to interact with cellular PDZ proteins: is the TIP1/beta-catenin couple the culprit ? Equipe Jalinot Duc Dodon - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'Ecole)
08/02/2019 Mirko FRANCESCONI Why are genetically identical individuals growing in the same environment phenotypically different? Equipe FRANCESCONI Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
01/02/2019 Monica ZOPPE, Italie From data to perception and return. Visualization in cellular and molecular biology Equipe Gandrillon - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'Ecole)
25/01/2019 ANNULE Equipe Francesconi - Salle des Thèses
22/01/2019 Anton CROMBACH Evolution of the D. melanogaster chromatin landscape and its associated proteins Equipe Sémon Pantalacci Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
18/01/2019 ANNULE Equipe Grammont - Salle des Thèses
14/12/2018 Vincent GELI, CRCM Marseille The p21‐mTert knock‐In mouse: Escape of senescence and deregulation of signalling and metabolic pathways. Equipe Palladino - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
07/12/2018 ANNULE Equipe Spichty - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'Ecole)
30/11/2018 Victor GIRARD Understanding neuronal fat accumulation in Parkinson's Disease: insights from Drosophila Equipe Mollereau - Salle des Thèses
23/11/2018 Vincent VANOOSTHUYSE Investigating R-loop architecture as a possible source of DNA replication stress Equipe Bernard - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
16/11/2018 Bojan ZAGROVIC, University of Vienna RNA-protein interactions and the structure of the genetic code Equipe Auboeuf - Salle des Thèses
09/11/2018 Hélène PUCCIO, IGBMC Understanding mammalian iron-sulfur cluster assembly and the pathophysiology of Friedreich ataxia Equipe Mollereau - Salle des Thèses
26/10/2018 Aurèle PIAZZA, Institut Pasteur, Paris Metabolism of DNA joint molecules during homologous recombination: break-up and ménage-à-trois on the path to fidelity Equipe Jalinot - Salle des thèses
19/10/2018 Giorgio BERNARDI, Roma Tre University Le génome humain:une vue d’ensemble sur son organisation et son évolution Equipe Gandrillon - Annulé
15/10/2018 Gilles STORELLI, Utah University “Metabo-Devo”: Drosophila HNF4 directs a switch in lipid metabolism that supports the transition to adulthood B. Mollereau - Grande Salle de réunion M6
12/10/2018 Geneviève Dupont (Unité de Chronobiologie Théorique, Université Libre de Bruxelles) Modelling early mammalian development O. Gandrillon- Grande Salle de réunion, M6
05/10/2018 Sébastien LEMAIRE - Nicolas FONTRODONA Splicing regulation follows constrains by GC content Equipe Auboeuf - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
28/09/2018 Emmanuel LABARONNE Characterizing the HIV-1 transcriptome and translatome using Nanopore sequencing and Ribosome profiling Equipe Ricci - 1 place de l'école
21/09/2018 Laurent MODOLO Nextflow a data driven pipeline (for biologists) L. Modolo - Salle des Thèses
18/09/2018 Tanja SCHWANDER, UNIL Lausanne Consequences of asexual reproduction in animals Marie Delattre - Salle des thèses
14/09/2018 ANNULE Salle des Thèses Equipe Jalinot Duc Dodon
10/09/2018 Benoît ARCANGIOLI, Institut Pasteur On quiescence genetics Salle des Thèses Geneviève Fourel
07/09/2018 * Salle des Thèses Equipe Palladino
29/06/2018 Anissa GUILLEMIN / Ronan DUCHESNE Drugs modulating stochastic gene expression affect differentiation Salle des Thèses Equipe Gandrillon
22/06/2018 Marianne SEDRU New Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease: combining genetic and environmental risk factors Equipe Mollereau
15/06/2018 Marcos MORGAN, University of Edinburgh RNA modifications define a functional oocyte transcriptome Pierre Jalinot
08/06/2018 Masters 2 Salle des Thèses
01/06/2018 Mirko FRANCESCONI, Barcelone Dissecting the sources of phenotypic variation among genetically identical individuals growing in the same environment Salle des Thèses Pierre Jalinot
25/05/2018 David LLERES, IGMM Studying Nanoscale Chromatin Structure in living Multicellular Organism by quantitative FLIM-FRET Microscopy Salle des Thèses invited by F. PALLADINO
18/05/2018 Jane MELLOR (University of Oxford) Is H3K4me3 Instructive for Transcription? Deconstructing the Relationship Between Chromatin and Gene Expression using Ultradian Metabolic Cycles. Salle des Thèses invited by F. PALLADINO
11/05/2018 Lamya BENAMEUR Exonic DNA-binding of RelA regulates alternative splicing via the RNA helicase DDX17 Salle des Thèses Equipe AUBOEUF
04/05/2018 ANNULE ANNULE Salle des Thèses Equipe JALINOT - DUC DODON
20/04/2018 Julieta RIVOSECCHI Condensin positioning at RNAPIII-transcribed genes by the DNA&RNA helicase Sen1 Salle des Thèses Equipe BERNARD
13/04/2018 Manon GROSMAIRE Why would parthenogenetic females sire males whose DNA is not transmitted to females? Salle des Thèses Equipe DELATTRE
30/03/2018 Marie SEMON Convergent genomic evolution Salle des Thèses Equipe SEMON-PANTALACCI
23/03/2018 Stéphane VINCENT Zasp52 function during dorsal closure in Drosophila Salle des Thèses Equipe GRAMMONT
16/03/2018 Thomas SEXTON, IGBMC Dynamic chromatin topologies in transcriptional regulation during T cell development Salle des Thèses Equipe AUBOEUF
12/03/2018 Daniel JOST (Université de Grenoble) Epigenomics in 3D: understanding the functional role of 3D chromatin organization Salle des Thèses Gaël Yvert
09/03/2018 Cyril BOURGEOIS DEAD-box RNA helicases DDX5 and DDX17 are multi-tasking factors with important functions in neuronal differentiation Salle des Thèses Equipe AUBOEUF
02/03/2018 Daan VAN DEN BRINK Conserved roles of fatty acid transport protein in retinal pigment cells for lipid droplet expansion and photoreceptor maintenance Salle des Thèses Equipe MOLLEREAU
23/02/2018 Michel WASSEF (Institut Curie) The BAP1 deubiquitinase complex is a general transcriptional co-activator Salle des Thèses F. Palladino
16/02/2018 ANNULE Salle des Thèses Equipe JALINOT
09/02/2018 Arnaud BONNAFFOUX WASABI : a novel framework for Gene Regulatory Network inference Salle des Thèses Equipe GANDRILLON
05/02/2018 Benjamin LOPPIN, LBBE Epigenetic control of the oocyte-to-zygote transition in Drosophila Salle des Thèses Bertrand Mollereau
02/02/2018 Charlotte RIVIERE - Institut Lumière Matière, UCBL Development of microsystems to control cell environment and decipher cell fate Salle des Thèses O. Gandrillon
26/01/2018 Gaël YVERT Quantitative genetic variation of a cellular response behaviour Salle des Thèses Equipe YVERT
19/01/2018 Xavier ROBELLET Post-translational modifications of Condensin during the cell cycle Salle des Thèses Equipe BERNARD
12/01/2018 Vincent GALY (UPMC) Allophagy: autophagy at work to insure maternal transmission of the mighty mitochondrial genome Salle des Thèses Charlotte SCHOLTES
22/12/2017 Marion HERBETTE H3K4 methylation and germline chromatin organisation 1 place de l'école Equipe PALLADINO
15/12/2017 Muriel GRAMMONT Probing the mechanical properties for the basement membrane with an atomic force microscope 1 place de l'école Equipe GRAMMONT
12/12/2017 Cécile MARTINAT (ISTEM) Applications of human pluripotent stem cells for neuromuscular diseases LR5 Sous-sol Hélène Polvèche / Didier Auboeuf
08/12/2017 Aubé Fabien, Auboeuf Didier, Fontrodona Nicolas Interplay between the genetic code and the splicing code 1 place de l'école Equipe AUBOEUF
01/12/2017 * 1 place de l'école
24/11/2017 Vincent MOCQUET Retroviral Tax plugs and freezes UPF1 helicase leading to Nonsense Mediated mRNA Decay (NMD) inhibition during HTLV-1 infection 1, place de l'école Equipe JALINOT-DUC DODON
23/11/2017 Orsolya SYMMONS, University of Pennsylvania Imaging allele-specific gene expression in mouse tissues 1, place de l'école G. Yvert
17/11/2017 LyonSysBio LyonSysBio 1 place de l'école Equipe GANDRILLON
13/11/2017 Thomas SURREY - The Francis Crick Institute, UK Mechanistic biochemistry of microtubule cytoskeleton architecture and dynamics Salle des Thèses
10/11/2017 Irina SOLOVEI - LMU Munich Spatial self-organization of the genome in the nucleus 1 place de l'école Hôte : Geneviève Fourel
03/11/2017 * ANNULE
27/10/2017 *
20/10/2017 Francois Paquet-Durand, Institute for Ophthalmic Research University of Tuebingen Hereditary photoreceptor degeneration: Metabolic processes and temporal characteristics
10/10/2017 Asher CUTTER University of Toronto
10/10/2017 Asher CUTTER University of Toronto
06/10/2017 Journée Scientifique du LBMC Domaine Lyon Saint Joseph
29/09/2017 Clémence HOCQUET Role of Condensin in the regulation of gene expression in the fission yeast S. pombe Equipe BERNARD
26/09/2017 Claudio SETTE Dynamic regulation of splicing controls timely usage of transcripts during germ cell differentiation University of Rome Tor Vergata, Dept. Biomedicine and Prevention
22/09/2017 Edouard BERTRAND Gene expression viewed through the microscope: a single cell, single molecule view of transcription and translation IGM, Montpellier
15/09/2017 *
08/09/2017 Valérie ROBERT The H3K4 HMT SET-2 maintains cell fate in C. elegans germline Equipe PALLADINO - Salle Condorcet (1 place de l'école)
17/07/2017 Frieder SCHOECK - McGill University McGill University, Canada
26/06/2017 Chloé Feral (IRCAN, Nice) Hôte : Equipe Pantalacci/Semon
23/06/2017 Masters 2
19/06/2017 Patrick McGrath (Georgia Tech, Atlanta) Hôte : Equipe Delattre
02/06/2017 Guillaume Giraud Equipe Auboeuf
26/05/2017 Ronan Duchesne Equipe O. Gandrillon
19/05/2017 Nina Kirstein "How does chromatin dictate pre-replication complex positioning and activation in humans?" Benjamin Audit
12/05/2017 Daan Van Den Brink "Keeping an eye on glial lipid droplets : a message for photoreceptor health ?" Equipe B. Mollereau
05/05/2017 Gaël YVERT Assigning function to natural allelic variation via dynamic modeling of gene network induction Equipe G. Yvert
28/04/2017 *
21/04/2017 Laurie-Anne Lamiré Organ morphogenesis: switching from round to ovoid shape during growth Equipe Grammont
14/04/2017 Stéphane RETY Domain motion in Pif1 helicase Equipe Jalinot/Duc Dodon
07/04/2017 *
31/03/2017 William RITCHIE Will machines destroy transcriptomics? Institute of Human Genetics, Montpellier
24/03/2017 Sophie PANTALACCI Comparative transcriptomics of molar development in rodents reveals a discordance between developmental program evolution and morphological evolution Equipe Sémon-Pantalacci
17/03/2017 Julian VENABLES Improving scientific writing skills Science et sens - Paris
10/03/2017 Flore Beurton Isolation and characterization of the SET1/MLL complex in C. elegans F. Palladino
06/03/2017 Serge PELET Cell fate decisions in a yeast MAPK pathway Université de Lausanne
03/03/2017 Vincent VANOOSTHUYSE Investigating R-Loop formation at single molecule resolution P. Bernard
27/02/2017 François TRONCHE IBPS, Paris
24/02/2017 Anissa GUILLEMIN Equipe O. Gandrillon
17/02/2017 Charlotte SCHOLTES Salle des Thèses Equipe B. Mollereau
10/02/2017 Romain BERARDOZZI From fluorescent proteins photophysics to super-resolution imaging of mitotic spindle in nematodes embryos Equipe M. Delattre
03/02/2017 Loredana MARTIGNETTI Pediatric cancer subtype characterization through network and multi-omics data analysis Institut Curie, Paris
27/01/2017 Jérôme SALIGNON Genomics of fitness in dynamic environments AMPHI L Yvert
20/01/2017 David CLUET Reducing protein aggregation in NDs : Evaluation of a new strategy to enhance Heat Shock Response Spichty
13/01/2017 Pr Benoît PALANCADE Cis- and trans-acting regulations of mRNA biogenesis and their impact on genetic stability Institut Jacques Monod, Paris
06/01/2017 Eléonore PERES Role of the PDZ domain-Binding Motif of Tax on T-cell Leukemogenesis in HTLV-1-Infected Humanized Mice Jalinot/Duc Dodon
16/12/2016 Sébastien LEMAIRE Interplay between splicing and chromatin : investigation via DDX5-specific splicing targets Auboeuf
09/12/2016 Muriel COCAIGN-BOUSQUET The multi-scale regulation of gene expression and its coordination to cell adaptation in bacteria
02/12/2016 Serge BIRMAN Endogenous neuroprotective mechanisms against aging and Parkinson disease-like pathogenesis in the Drosophila model
11/10/2016 Pedro DOMINGOS (ITQB, Oeiras, Portugal) ENS LYON - Site Monod* - Grande Salle de conférence CBP, LR6
16/09/2016 Christelle MORRIS DESBOIS Role of INT6/EIF3E in Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Human Cells Jalinot
09/09/2016 Roland LE BORGNE Linking temporal and mechanical regulations of epithelial cell cytokinesis to cell fate acquisition
17/06/2016 Christophe BATTAIL & Sophie GERARD-CHANTALAT Bioinformatic pipeline framework for bioinformaticians and biologists illustrated by the analysis of open chromatin sequencing data Didier Auboeuf
10/06/2016 Gaël YVERT Exploiting single-cell quantitative data to map genetic variants having probabilistic effects Yvert
10/06/2016 Ulysse HERBACH Inferring gene regulatory networks from single-cell data : a mechanistic approach Gandrillon
20/05/2016 Romaric GAUTHIER Giant’s Causeway (Gica), a new gene required for epithelial cell flattening in Drosophila melanogaster Grammont