
Agenda de l'ENS de Lyon

Séminaire Modernités Britanniques : Shakespeare behind Barbed Wire

Description générale

Nous avons le plaisir d'accueillir le professeur Ton Hoenselaars (Utrecht University) qui parlera de Shakespeare dans les camps de prisonniers durant la Grande Guerre: "Shakespeare behind Barbed Wire".

(séance organisée avec le soutien du département LLCE de l’ENS de Lyon, de l'IHRIM (UMR CNRS 5317) et du Labex COMOD)

La conférence, en anglais, ouverte à tous, sera suivie d’une discussion.

Séance animée par Sophie Lemercier-Goddard (ENS de Lyon)


Professor Ton Hoenselaars teaches Early Modern English Literature at the University of Utrecht, with a focus on Shakespeare and international relations. He has published widely on images of nations in Renaissance literature, on translation, and on Shakespeare in European culture from 1600 to the present day. He is the renowned author of Images of Englishmen and Foreigners in the Drama of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries (1992), and the (co)editor of a number of collections, including Shakespeare and the Language of Translation (Arden Shakespeare, 2004), Challenging Humanism (2005), Multilingualism in the Drama of Shakespeare and his Contemporaries (2015), and Shakespeare Forever! Leven en mythe, werk en erfenis (2017). Among his most recent articles are "Foreign Languages and Foreign Language Learning" and "International Encounters" in The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare which he co-edited with Bruce Smith (2016) and "Comment Shakespeare a inventé l’Européen" in Europa - Notre Histoire, co-edited by Étienne François & Thomas Serrier in 2017.


Mail : sophie.chiari_lasserre [at] uca.fr

Mail : sophie.lemercier-goddard [at] ens-lyon.fr

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