
ECO-4207 : Economic geography

ECO-4207 : Economic geography

Responsable(s) :
  • Pierre-Philippe Combes
  • Laurent Simula





2e semestre
Site Descartes

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Informations générales sur le cours : ECO-4207

Content objectif

Lecturer: Pierre-Philipe COMBES (pierre-philippe.combes [at] ens-lyon.fr)

ECO-4207 : Applied economics 3: Economic geography

he first part of the course is devoted to the economic mechanisms that shape the within- and between city spatial organisation. This will typically answer the following questions.

Why do cities exist and induce an uneven spatial distribution of income and of land and commodity prices? How can cities of different size co-exist within integrated economic areas? What does shape the city internal structure, in terms of housing types and income segregation? What is the impact of people and goods mobility on spatial concentration? What is the role of local public policies and of land use regulation on spatial disparities?

The second part of the course moves to the empirical studies that evaluate the gains and costs from agglomeration. A special emphasis is put on the impact on spatial disparities of individual location choices made by workers that are heterogeneous in skills. The balance between income gains and costs of living is studied, typically assessing whether cities are too large or too small. Studies about the value of consumption amenities (restaurants, cultural life, climate,…) will be presented too.