G. Mathias Kondolf and Hervé Piégay
2nd edition
Fluvial Geomorphology studies the biophysical processes acting in rivers, and the sediment patterns and landforms resulting from them. It is a discipline of synthesis, with roots in geology, geography, and river engineering, and with strong interactions with allied fields such as ecology, engineering and landscape architecture.This 2nd edition of Tools in Fluvial Geomorphology, by G. Mathias (Matt) Kondolf and Hervé Piégay, comprehensively reviews tools used in fluvial geomorphology, at a level suitable to guide the selection of research methods for a given question. Presenting an integrated approach to the interdisciplinary nature of the subject, it provides guidance for researchers and professionals on the tools available to answer questions on river restoration and management. The first edition, by the same team, was published in January 2005. More information
The authors:
- G. Mathias Kondolf, Professor of Environmental Planning at UC Berkeley, is a fluvial geomorphologist and environmental planner, specializing in environmental river management and restoration, and Professor of Environmental Planning at UC Berkeley.
- Hervé Piégay, Geographer is a Research Director at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), for Environnement Ville Société (EVS).