Description générale
Réunion annuelle du GDR, évènement clé dans le domaine de la physique quantique.
Thèmes abordés :
- Fundamental Quantum Aspects
- Quantum Communication and Cryptography
- Quantum Sensing & Metrology
- Quantum Simulation
- Quantum Processing, Algorithms, and Computing
Inscription obligatoire avant le 17 octobre 2021
Intervenants :
Tutorial speakers :
- Prof. Markus Huber, IQOQI, Vienna, AT: "Quantum clocks"
- Prof. Iordanis Kerenidis, CNRS, Université de Paris, FR: "Quantum machine learning"
- Prof. Monika Schleier-Smith, Stanford University, USA: "Quantum simulations with cold atoms"
- Prof. Jeff Thompson, Princeton University, USA: "Quantum interface with rare earth ion qubits"
- Prof. Menno Veldhorst, QuTech, Delft Univeristy of Technology, NL: "Spin-qubit processors in silicon and germanium"
- Prof. Ronald Walsworth, University of Maryland, USA: "Quantum sensing with NV centers in diamond"
Invited speakers :
- Prof. Alessandro Fedrizzi, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK: "Quantum networking with photons"
- Prof. Howard Wiseman, Griffith University, AU: "Wigner's friend experiment"
- Prof. Alp Sipahigil, Berkeley University, USA: "Qubit–photon transduction via acoustic phonons"
Réservé à
- Chercheurs / Enseignants
Cellule congrès et manifestations
ENS de Lyon
cellule.congres [at]
04 72 72 80 75
04 72 72 88 98
Mots clés