
Agenda de l'ENS de Lyon

Modernités Britanniques: Theatres of Translation

jeu 06 mai 2021


Séminaire en ligne


Andrew S. Keener (University of Santa Clara)

Langue(s) des interventions
Description générale

Andrew S. Keener specializes in early modern literature, theater and drama, book history, and digital approaches to the humanities. He is currently writing a book entitled Theaters of Translation: Cosmopolitan Vernaculars in Shakespeare’s England, based on his doctoral thesis, which was awarded the 2019 J. Leeds Barroll Dissertation Prize by the Shakespeare Association of America. In his talk, "Theaters of Translation: Dictionaries, Drama, and Shakespeare's World of Words", Andrew Keener will examine how bilingual and multilingual dictionaries, grammars, and conversation guides published in Renaissance England shaped and were shaped by cosmopolitan dramatic works by playwrights such as William Shakespeare, Mary Sidney Herbert, and Ben Jonson.

Organisation : S.Lemercier-Goddard (ENS Lyon – IHRIM 5317), S. Chiari (UCA), L. Sansonetti (Paris Nanterre – IUF) avec le soutien du labex COMOD, du groupe Confluences (CREA, Paris Nanterre) et le projet Translation and Polyglossia in Early Modern England.



Inscription gratuite mais recommandée : sophie.lemercier-goddard [at] ens-lyon.fr

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  • Chercheurs / Enseignants
  • Etudiants
  • sophie.lemercier-goddard [at] ens-lyon.fr (sophie[dot]lemercier-goddard[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr)
  • sophie.chiari_lasserre [at] uca.fr (sophie[dot]chiari_lasserre[at]uca[dot]fr)
  • l.sansonetti [at] parisnanterre.fr (l[dot]sansonetti[at]parisnanterre[dot]fr)

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