Creation of a new laboratory: the LADEC

Creation of a new laboratory: the LADEC

Tue, 31/01/2017


Laboratory of Anthropology of Contemporary Issues

The Laboratory of Anthropology of Contemporary Issues (LADEC in French) was created on January 1, 2017. It doesn't yet have the status of a Mixed Research Unit (UMR) but a Research Training Unit (known as an FRE in French) as well as seven other research structures created by the CNRS on the same date. Indeed, all ex-nihilo creations must go through this intermediate stage. An evaluation will take place in 2 years to determine the transition to a Mixed Research Unit (UMR).
The LADEC includes within the ENS de Lyon: Emilia Sanabria, Frédéric Le Marcis, Hélène Colineau and PhD students, who all previously depended on the Triangle laboratory.
  • Associate Institute: Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (INSHS)
    Rhône Auvergne Delegation
  • FRE n° 2002
  • Lab Manager: Dejan Dimitrijevic, Professor of anthropology at the Université Lumière Lyon 2
  • Deputy lab manager: Emilia Sanabria, associate professor at the ENS de Lyon
  • Co-supervision Institutions: CNRS, Université Lumière Lyon 2, ENS de Lyon.
  • Section: 38
  • Duration: 2 years
