Disability Policy


The School is actively engaged in a policy of recruitment, welcoming and giving support to people with disabilities, through its second multi-annual Disability Scheme.
This policy should help increase the employment rate of the beneficiaries of the employment obligation but even more to keep people with disabilities in employment.

ENS de Lyon also actively supports students with disabilities: they can request a support program for students with disabilities (PAEH), with a view to adapting their study and examination conditions.

The disability assignment organizes awareness campaigns and training, in which all students, teacher-researchers and administrative and technical staff are invited to participate.

Support for staff and students with disabilities 

RQTH – Assistance for adapted working conditions for disabled workers

The RQTH is a support program that can help any worker with a health issue that has repercussions on their work  (motor, auditory, visual, psychic or intellectual difficulties, allergies, cardio-vascular or other disabling illnesses, etc.).

Art.L.5213-1 of the Labor Code: A disabled worker is any person whose chances of obtaining or maintaining a job are effectively reduced due to an impairment of one or more physical, sensory, mental or psychological functions.

It’s important to note that the RQTH does not intervene on the disabilities themselves, but it takes actions on the working environment for disabled persons.

The RQTH is an administrative organization. It was set up follwing a voluntary initiative of a private individual. It respects total confidentiality. Any action taken by the RQTH is frequently reassessed, as employees’ health or their working environment could change over the course of their careers.

Applying for an RQTH means that people with disabilities can:

  • improve working conditions
  • progress in their work in the best conditions
  • access positions without taking a competitive entrance examination
  • benefit from facilities for competitive entrance exams (computers, adaptations of subjects, reading lamps, French Sign Language interpreter, additional time, etc.)

To carry out the procedures with the help of the Disability advisor, your departmental manager can grant authorizations of absence. A special form must be filled out along with a medical certificate established within the last 3 months and signed by the referring doctor, in addition to a certificate from the Occupational Health doctor.

Benefits of this assistance

Being recognized as a disabled worker enables you to benefit from personalized support and special rights:

  • Adaptation of your workstation with the appropriate equipment and technical solutions financed by the School (office chairs, tables, ergonomic mouse and mouse pads, layout of the workstation, etc.)
  • Access to Part-time employment
  • Financing of useful equipment at work and for your personal use where appropriate (e.g., hearing aids, wheelchairs etc.)
  • 30% extra for the subsidy paid by the State for holiday vouchers
  • And many other benefits available in this online catalog (in French)
  • Listening, advice, assistance in analyzing your needs in a professional context
  • Support in the filling out the RQTH application
  • Assistance in communicating with line managers and/or colleagues for accommodation needs
  • Request for assistance from the SAMETH – Assistance for Maintaining Disabled Workers in Employment 

Staff training

To give you a better idea, here are some examples of training that we have done in the past. Do not hesitate to contact the Disability Advisor to set up similar training courses or for any specific requests you may have.

  • Disability training for staff in contact with the public
  • Managing a person recognized as a "disabled worker"
  • Talking about Disability at Work