Editor: Emmanuel Trizac, President of the ENS de Lyon.
This website was added to the ENS de Lyon processing operations register by ENS de Lyon’s Data Protection Delegate. Personal data is collected and processed in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and the specific legislation applicable in France.
These legal references come into effect on the date of access to the Website.
Web hosting: ENS de Lyon, 15 parvis René Descartes, BP 7000, 69342 Lyon Cedex 07
Website designed and created by the Communication department and the DUNES department at ENS de Lyon.
Virtual tour: Philippe Liev-Pourcelot
Photo credits: Vincent Moncorgé
Software: CMS open source Drupal
IT Charter
Updated on 13/02/2018.
- ENS de Lyon IT Charter - French
- Information system charter - English
The use of all of the institution's IT and digital resources is subject to the acceptance of the IT charter.
Personal Data
- Personal data: This is any information relating to an identified or identifiable person.
- Non-identifying data: all data that cannot determine the identity of a specific individual, using the means provided or authorized by law.
- Non-personal information: is anonymized and cannot, under any circumstances, determine the identity of a specific individual.
- The person concerned (in this paragraph concerning personal data): this is the individual whose personal data is processed by the Processing Manager.
- Processing: This is any operation or set of operations carried out or not using automated processes and applied to data or sets of data of a personal nature, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, reconciliation or interconnection, limitation, erasure or destruction.
- Person responsible for the processing operations: the individual or legal person, the public authority that determines the purposes and means of processing.
- User: the person who uses this site.
ENS de Lyon uses personal data to ensure its training and research activities, its external relations and in general in the exercise of an assignment that is of interest to the public.
In accordance with the "IT and Freedoms" Act of 6 January 1978 amended by the Act 6 August 2004, the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 applicable from 25 May 2018, and the law of 21 June 2014 relating to the future of the Digital Economy, ENS de Lyon is committed to complying with the current regulations applicable to the processing of personal data.
In accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, Users have the right to access, correct, update and delete information about themselves, which they can exercise by sending an email to dpo [at] ens-lyon.fr (dpo[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr).
ENS de Lyon undertakes to take all necessary precautions to preserve the security of the information and in particular, to ensure that it is not communicated to unauthorized persons.
The criteria used to determine the storage of personal data are those provided for by law. After expiry of this data retention period, the corresponding data is automatically deleted, provided that it is no longer necessary for the performance of a contract or for the purposes of an assignment which is of interest to the public interest.
The legality of personal data processing is based on Article 6 of the RGPD.
The processing of data is only lawful if, and to the extent that, at least one of the following conditions is met:
- the person concerned has consented to the processing of his/her personal data for one or more specific purposes;
- processing is necessary to carry out a contract in which the person concerned is also a party involved or to carry out pre-contract measures taken at the request of the person concerned;
- processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which the person responsible for the processing is subjected;
- processing is necessary to safeguard the vital interests of the person concerned or another individual;
- processing is necessary for the performance of a mission of public interest or under the exercise of the public authority vested in the person responsible for the processing.
Alumni and students
ENS de Lyon is obliged to submit certain personal data of former students to the CEREQ for the purpose of carrying out a survey on the integration of young people. Individuals may object to the use of their data directly with the CEREQ when it contacts them.
Observatory on Student Life survey (known as OVE)
ENS de Lyon is obliged to transmit certain personal data of students to the Observatory of Student Life for the conduct of surveys on the living conditions of students. Individuals may object to the use of their data directly with the Student Life Observatory when contacting them.
We wish to inform you that ENS de Lyon is conducting a study on the professional integration of former French ENS normalian pupils. The data is collected from public resources available on the internet. Those affected may object to this processing by writing to dpo [at] ens-lyon.fr (dpo[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr).
Applicable law and intellectual property
The Website, as a website published by a public institution of a French scientific, cultural and professional nature based in France, is subject to French law and European legislation. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have jurisdiction.
The entire website is subject to French, EU and international copyright and intellectual property legislation.
Respect of the publisher's intellectual property rights
ENS de Lyon owns the intellectual property rights or holds the rights to use and disseminate all the elements accessible on the website, including its content, its structure, and the technologies it implements for its operation (texts, downloadable documents, images and icons, videos, layout, graphic charter, style sheet, databases, applications, scripts, without this list being exhaustive or limiting in any way).
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the Website, regardless of the means or process used, is prohibited, unless written permission is granted beforehand from ENS de Lyon.
As such, ENS de Lyon opposes any extraction and/or qualitatively or quantitatively substantial use
of the elements it contains through the use of hyperlinks, unless legal provisions to the contrary are made.
Any unauthorized exploitation of the Website or any of the items contained in it, may be considered to constitute as an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 and the respect of the Intellectual Property Code.
Respecting Copyright
The Website gives its users a right to use all the information communicated as defined in the following paragraphs for personal or educational purposes.
The license to use the Website provided to its users, in accordance with current French copyright and intellectual property law, and subject to the clear specification of the author's name and source, the right to quote under the following cumulative conditions:
- short extract from the publication, clearly indicating the author's name and surname, employer establishment if indicated, and the source in the following form: "This document comes from the Website of ENS de Lyon managed and administered by ENS. Reproductive and representation rights are reserved and strictly limited.”
- Setting up links to the Website without omitting to clearly mention the source, including any deep-links.
- Reproduction and representation of articles regardless of the medium used for strictly personal use, for exclusive purposes of illustration in the context of teaching and research (under the specific conditions provided by law and in particular, information subject to communication without charge).
Any modification and/or use for purposes other than the above mentioned are subject to the authorization of the author and ENS de Lyon respectively.
Prohibition without express authorization
Any type of communication or use that is not specifically mentioned in the above "authorization" paragraph is prohibited in principle, unless legally provided to the contrary.
In particular, it is prohibited to extract, reuse, store, reproduce, represent or retain, directly or indirectly, on any medium, by any means or in any form, whether any or all or part qualitatively or quantitatively substantial, of the contents of the databases on this site, as well as to extract or reuse them repeatedly and systematically of qualitative and quantitatively non-substantial parts when these operations clearly exceed normal conditions.
Reproduction and representation on any electronic medium are strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized by the holder of these rights.
ENS de Lyon reserves the discretionary right to give its consent for the communication or specific use of its data in any form, subject to the French legislation in force.
Protection of the rights of third parties (i.e., respect for the rights of the sources used in the development of the article)
The Website respects copyright and intellectual property. Our quotes and references are, as far as possible, accompanied by the means to reach the source. The Website strives to always provide its readers the opportunity to read its sources or gives them the means to obtain them. If this possibility was inadvertently not made available to a particular source, please contact the editor of the publication to have the situation rectified at the following address: webmestre [at] ens-lyon.fr (webmestre[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr).
Users are informed that, during their visits to the website, a cookie can be installed automatically on their navigation software.
The cookie is a data block that does not identify users but is used to record information about browsing users on the website.
Users have the right to access, remove and modify personal data provided through the cookies under the conditions mentioned above.
ENS de Lyon disclaims any responsibility for the information available on its website and the use that can be made of the information contained on this website or obtained in response to a question asked through this website. Under no circumstances can ENS de Lyon be held responsible for any damage of any kind, direct or indirect, that would result from the use of this site or in connection with this site.
Hyperlinks set up in this website to other resources on the Internet are only offered for convenience and neither their content or the links they contain, nor the changes or updates made to them, can be held responsible by ENS de Lyon.
The ENS de Lyon does not guarantee that the server hosting the website is virus-free and that files that can be downloaded from this website or any other third-party site are free of viruses or malfunctions. To the extent that viruses can be transmitted over the internet, we recommend that users take the necessary steps to protect their computer from intrusion, from any technical problems that could damage the components of the User's computer or data that could be stored there. In any event, ENS de Lyon will not be responsible for any damage that may occur during the connection and navigation on the website.
The responsibility of ENS de Lyon cannot be incurred, even in case of error or omission on the data transcribed on this website, whatever it may be.
ENS de Lyon cannot guarantee that the information on this website is totally complete, accurate, error-free and up-to-date. Any information may be changed by ENS de Lyon without prior warning.
The information provided by ENS de Lyon is indicative and cannot exempt the User from a complementary and personalized analysis.
Users therefore recognize the use of this information under their sole responsibility.
Request for permission to reproduce the logo
If, as part of a communication, Users need to use the logo of ENS de Lyon for all internal and external media (brochures, publications, sites, etc.), they will have to request to do so by emailing: communication [at] ens-lyon.fr (communication[at]ens-lyon[dot]fr).
Changes to the Website
The elements presented in this website are subject to change without notice and are made available without any guarantee, express or implied, of any kind and may not give rise to any right to compensation.
Terms and conditions of use of the website
Users acknowledge that they have been aware of these terms of use and undertake to comply with them. However, these references are not exhaustive and the rights that ENS de Lyon may hold are not limited by these provisions.
The content of the website is provided "as it is" with no guarantee of any kind.
ENS de Lyon does not guarantee and cannot bear any responsibility for the use that could be made of this website.
Any information may be changed by ENS de Lyon without prior warning. Users therefore recognize the use of this information under their sole responsibility.
All Users must state that they have read, understood and accepted and acknowledge and fully respect all of these legal references, by simply accessing and using this website.