Best poster award for Anaïs Kobsch

Best poster award for Anaïs Kobsch

Wed, 06/03/2019

Honors and awards

Prize awarded at the 2019 "Planet Formation and Evolution" workshop held at the University of Rostock from 27 February to 1 March 2019.

Anaïs Kobsch

Anaïs Kobsch holds a degree in geology (Earth and Planets curriculum) from the ENS de Lyon, and is currently in her second year of a thesis at the LGL-TPE. Her work, directed by Razvan Caracas, is entitled Behavior of silicate minerals during the Giant Impact.

Since 2017, she has also been a graphic designer, project and budget manager in the scientific communication and public outreach association DéMesures.

Anaïs Kobsch at the University of Rostock
Anaïs Kobsch at the University of Rostock
(for reasons of confidentiality and pending publication, the poster has been censored)

Planet Formation and Evolution 2019

Organized since 2001 – by the German community of researchers working in the fields of planet formation, exoplanets and planetary systems, protoplanetary and debris disks, astrobiology, and planetary research in general – the workshops "Planet Formation and Evolution" are usually attended by up to 150 participants from all parts of Germany with a broad international participation.

These workshops aim to stimulate and intensify the dialogue between researchers using various approaches – observations, theory, and laboratory studies. Students and postdocs are encouraged to present their results in "poster sessions". The best poster is rewarded at the end of the presentations.

This year, Anaïs Kobsch was rewarded for her poster entitled Critical point of feldspars.
