CNRS Bronze medal 2022

CNRS Bronze medal 2022

Thu, 14/04/2022

Honors and awards

Congratulations to Marianne Métoix (LGL-TPE), Aurèle Piazza (LBMC) and Lucile Savary (LPENSL), recipients of the 2022 bronze medal awarded by the CNRS.

Since 1954, the CNRS has been rewarding researchers each year for their work. The bronze medal rewards the first work of a researcher, which makes him or her a promising specialist in his or her field.

ENS de Lyon is proud to count three members of its research laboratories among the winners of the 2022 Bronze Medal:

  • Marianne Métois, lecturer Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 University, member of LGL-TPE
  • Aurèle Piazza, CNRS Researcher at LBMC
  • Lucile Savary, CNRS Researcher at LPENSL


We also congratulate ENS de Lyon alumni, recipients of this medal:

Émilie Capron, CNRS researcher at the Institute of Environmental Geosciences (IGE - CNRS/IRD/University of Grenoble Alpes) and Klervia Jaouen, CNRS researcher at the Géosciences Environnement Toulouse laboratory (GET - CNRS/Cnes/IRD/University of Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier), who, like Marianne Métois, are former students of the ENS de Lyon Earth Sciences Department.

Clément Camp, CNRS researcher at the laboratory of Catalysis, Polymerisation, Process and Materials (CP2M - CNRS/CPE Lyon/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1),2006 class, Master of Chemistry of ENS de Lyon.


All CNRS bronze medals 2022 (in French)
