Denis Bartolo, P.-G. de Gennes prize 2016

Denis Bartolo, P.-G. de Gennes prize 2016

Wed, 11/05/2016

Honors and awards

The international de Gennes Prize jury has awarded the 2016 P.-G. de Gennes prize to Professor Denis Bartolo from ENS de Lyon for his research on Out-of-Equilibrium and Active Soft Matter.
Denis Bartolo will receive the prize and give the invited talk on Tuesday June 7 at the conference in Dubrovnik. More information :
Denis Bartolo is a member of the Physics Laboratory at ENS de Lyon which covers various fields, from statistical physics to hydrodynamic turbulence, including also mathematical physics and signal processing but also soft and condensed matter. This multidisciplinary approach is particularly fostered by the strong association with the physics teaching activities at ENS de Lyon.
