IUF 2021: 1 senior member and 1 junior member at ENS de Lyon

IUF 2021: 1 senior member and 1 junior member at ENS de Lyon

Thu, 03/06/2021


On 3 June 2021, the names of new members of the 31st year group of the Institut universitaire de France (IUF) were announced.

By order of the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation dated May 12, 2021, the junior and senior members of the Institut universitaire de France are to be appointed as of October 1, 2021 and for a period of 5 years.

Henning Samtleben

Henning SamtlebenThe IUF has a senior member of ENS de Lyon in its new promotion.

Henning Samtleben is a university professor at ENS de Lyon and is conducting his research at the Physics Laboratory (LPENSL | CNRS / ENS de Lyon). He had previously been a junior member of the IUF, from 2010 to 2015. This new appointment rewards the scientific quality of his university work.

His areas of research are field theory, supergravity, and string theory. This theory proposes to unify gravitation on a microscopic scale with other fundamental interactions. His IUF project aims at exploring the geometry of additional spatial dimensions when unifying fundamental interactions, with the aim of revising our understanding of the very structure of spacetime at the microscopic level. It will combine research of fundamental aspects with their applications in a phenomenological context.

Sami Jannin

Sami JanninENS de Lyon would also like to congratulate a new junior member: Sami Jannin.

Sami Jannin is a university professor at the University of Lyon 1, he is also deputy director of the NMR Center at Très Hauts Champs de Lyon (CRMN | CNRS / Lyon 1 / ENS de Lyon) and head of the hyperpolarized magnetic resonance team.

The IUF also has 9 Alumni from ENS de Lyon among its new members.
