ENS de Lyon PhD students day 2023

ENS de Lyon PhD students day 2023

14 Thursday
Thu, 14/12/2023

8.30 am - 4.30 pm



For the first time in 2023, ENS de Lyon organise a welcome day for PhD students, which will take place on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at Charles Mérieux Auditorium.

Mandatory for all newcomers hired by ENS de Lyon, the welcome day is opened to all PhD students, regardless of the year of PhD nor the employer (registration required).

A morning information session and an afternoon meeting session with ENS de Lyon’s staff, PhD students and post-docs.

Voir la version en français


Morning information session

Mérieux auditorium

8:30 am - Welcome coffee

9:00 am - Vice-Presidents Welcome

9:15 am

  • Research at ENS de Lyon (by the Vice-Presidency for Research)
  • The Institution where you are enrolled in PhD (by the Vice-presidency for Studies, PhD Office)
  • Bibliothèque Diderot de Lyon, a library for PhD students (by library staff)

10:10 pm - Round table on the doctoral charter (with PhD students, post-docs, thesis supervisors)

11:10 am - Break

11:25 am

  • Occupational health and safety (Occupational Health and Safety Department and Gender equality advisors)
  • PhD students employed by ENS de Lyon: support from the Human Resources Department (HR Department, Teachers, Researchers and Normaliens Office)

12:40 pm - Lunch


Afternoon meeting session

Mérieux atrium

2.00 - 4.30 pm
Stands open throughout the afternoon, unless otherwise indicated

Bibliothèque Diderot de Lyon (ENS de Lyon Library)

  • Thesis submission: issues of electronic submission, title page, Star application...
  • Open science: presentation of the passport to open science for PhD students, research identifiers, open archives...


  • Descartes and Monod campus tours - on registration (via the event registration form)
  • Visibility guide: how to organize an event, publicize your work, take part in the Fête de la Science (Science festival)...

ENS Media

Department presentation: audiovisual, digital image processing, graphic design, reprography

PhD students and post-docs

  • Organization and procedures of the individual thesis monitoring committee
  • Exchanges with experienced PhD students (Sciences and Humanities)
  • End-of-thesis options: Temporary teaching and research assistants (ATER), post-doc

Human Resources (Teachers, Researchers and Normaliens Office)

  • 2:00-2:30 pm. Leave in the event of illness, maternity, paternity or workplace accident
  • 2:30-3:00 pm. International student: my social security number and work permit
  • 3:00-3:30 pm. Health insurance and home-work transport reimbursements
  • 3:30-4:00pm. I am a PhD student, can I combine my work and studies? Presentation made in tandem with a PhD student
  • 4:00-4:30 pm. I am a PhD student and “agrégé/certifié” trainee: my internship and future tenure

Health and prevention

Occupational Risk Prevention Department

  • How to fill out an individual risk exposure sheet (hazardous chemical agents, laser, radioactivity)
  • Did you say pictograms?

Preventive medicine

  • Working on screen during the doctorate
  • I am a PhD student in another institution. How to contact my occupational doctor?
  • Managing your time to enjoy your doctorate more serenely: co-presented with a PhD student.

Student health department

  • Discover the health workshops (stress management, discussion groups for PhD students, mental health, etc.) offered by the department throughout the year.
  • Discover mindfulness meditation.

Equality office

  • Game: "no-nonsense sexism"

Disability mission

  • Apply for workstation accommodations
  • Participate in educational and digital accessibility

Vice-Presidency for Studies (PhD Office)

  • First PhD registration/PhD re-enrollment
  • Thesis Defense projects

Vice-Presidency for Studies and Office of International Affairs

  • International thesis co-supervision
  • Moving to Lyon and living on the ENS de Lyon campus as a scientist

Vice-Presidency for Research

  • How to set up a junior laboratory
  • Financing and promoting your research


  • ENS de Lyon’s staff
  • PhD students
  • Post-docs




Registration required

Registration form