HPC Days in Lyon

HPC Days in Lyon

06 Wednesday
From Wed, 06/04/2016 to Fri, 08/04/2016



High Performance Computing

The HPC Days in Lyon conference aims to bring together the scientific communities around the theme of High Performance Computing, including an update on the recent progress of research in computer science and applied mathematics in this area. This conference is part of the thematic program : HPC from the "laboratoire d'excellence"  MILyon, an initiative from the French Ministry of Research.

Invited Speakers: Eric Blayo, Jack Dongarra, Marc Massot, Yousef Saad, Marc Snir et Eric Sonnendrücker

Organizing committee:

  • Institut Camille Jordan (ICJ) : Thierry Dumont, Violaine Louvet
  • Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme de l'ENS de Lyon (LIP) : Alain Darte, Christian Perez, Nathalie Revol, Yves Robert, Frédéric Vivien
  • Département de Mécanique de l'Université Lyon 1 : Marc Buffat, Bastien Di Pierro
