Replication Games

Replication Games

24 Tuesday
Tue, 24/10/2023

From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm


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The Replication Games is a one-day event that brings researchers together to collaborate on replicating papers published in high-ranking journals. Replication is a crucial aspect of scientific research, ensuring that results are reliable and reproducible.

Participants will be granted co-authorship on a meta-paper combining the replications and will have the opportunity to publish their work. Participants will be matched based on field, and a study from a leading economics or political science journal will be assigned to each team based on interests.

The event will take place for the first time in France at ENS de Lyon. Around 10 teams will be present and around 15 remotely.

The local organizers are Cédric Chambru and Mathieu Couttenier (ENS de Lyon and Center for Economic Research on Governance, Inequality and Conflict).