Youth & Societies in Europe and around the Mediterranean

Youth & Societies in Europe and around the Mediterranean

12 Wednesday
From Wed, 12/10/2016 to Fri, 14/10/2016



8th meetings, “Gender and youth”

These “Youth and Societies” meetings, led by the Triangle laboratory (UMR 5206) and the Max Weber Center (UMR 5283), are co-organized with the National institute of youth and popular education (Injep).
They work the following way:

  • The plenary meetings are an opportunity for presentations on social and gender relations among youth.
  • Some workshops focus on gender and youth in the fields of culture, subcultures and countercultures, engagement, institutions and public policy, parenthood, migration, sexualities, professions, marriage, mobility, etc.
  • Other workshops are dedicated to themes that have been recurrent across these Youth & Societies meetings since their creation, and that are not particularly centered on gender.
  • Other themes discussed can include: family education, first socializations, academic trajectories, social and professional inclusion, juvenile autonomy and dependencies, generational engagements, youth inequalities, generations and migratory trajectories.

Scientific Committee: Hélène Buisson-Fenet (Triangle – ENS Lyon) / Christine Detrez (CMW-ENS Lyon) / Emmanuelle Santelli (CMW – ISH) / Henri Eckert (Gresco – Université de Poitiers) / Dominique Epiphane (Céreq) / Francine Labadie (Injep) / Nadia Lamamra (IFFP – U. Lausanne) / Françoise Lorcerie (Iremam – Aix-Marseille Université)? / Gilles Moreau (Gresco – U. de Poitiers)? ?/ Paolo Zurla (U. de Bologne) / Nicola De Luigi (U. de Bologne) / Vanessa Di Paola (LEST, Aix-Marseille U.) / Maribel Garcia (UAB) / Yaël Brinbaum (CEE) / Estelle Bonnet (CMW – ISH) / Elise Vinet (GREPPS / Lyon 2) / M. Thivend (LARHRA) / Corinne Rostaing (CMW – ISH

Organizing Committee: Hélène Buisson-Fenet (Triangle – ENS Lyon) / Christine Detrez (CMW-ENS Lyon) / Lucie Jégat (CMW-ENS Lyon) / Lydie Kowet (Triangle – ENS Lyon) / Emmanuelle Santelli (CMW – ISH) / Laurine Thizy (CMW-ENS Lyon) / Cécile Thomé (ENS Lyon) / Olivier Vanhée (CMW–Ifé)


