Profs. Nick Trefethen and Warwick Tucker, 15-19 January 2018
This year, ENS-Lyon is hosting visiting professors who are leading experts in two aspects of numerical computing.
Nick Trefethen (University of Oxford) is a well-known numerical analyst and the inventor of Chebfun, a MATLAB-based tool that solves all kinds of problems of rootfinding, integration, and differential equations fast and typically to 15 digits of accuracy.
Warwick Tucker (Uppsala University) is a leader in the area of rigorous numerical computing, where instead of computing numbers with no guarantees, one applies interval analysis and other methods to obtain guaranteed results — and even to rigorously prove mathematical theorems with the aid of the computer.
In this week, using a mixture of lectures and hand-on computer laboratories, the two professors will showcase some of the highlights of these two sides of numerical computing.
Schedule for ER02
8h15-10h | 10h15-12h | 14h15-16h | 16h15-18h | |
Monday | Chebyshev (amphi B) | Chebyshev (lab rooms E001 and 125) | Validated numerics (amphi B) | |
Tuesday | Validated numerics (amphi B) | Validated numerics (amphi B) | Chebyshev (amphi B) | Chebyshev (lab rooms E001 and 125) |
Wednesday | Chebyshev (amphi B) | Validated numerics (amphi B) | Validated numerics (amphi B) | |
Thursday | Validated numerics (amphi B) | Validated numerics (amphi B) | ||
Friday | Chebyshev (lab rooms E001 and 125) | Chebyshev (amphi B) | Exam (amphi B) |
For the part on Chebyshev:
- the text for this course is the first 6 chapters of the book Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice by Nick Trefethen, freely available at;
- Lecture notes 1. Chebyshev points, interpolants, polynomials, and series
- Lecture notes 2. Analytic functions, Runge phenomenon, barycentric interpolation
- Lecture notes 3. Rootfinding, optimization, and quadrature
- Lecture notes 4. ODEs and Chebfun2
- software: Chebfun, a freely available package written in Matlab.
For the part on Validated Numerics:
- the text for this course is the book Validated Numerics: A Short Introduction to Rigorous Computations by Warwick Tucker,
here is a shorter version; - software: download and install Octave, scientific programming environment, whose syntax is largely compatible with Matlab, as well as the interval package and the symbolic package;
- computer lab no 1;
- automatic differentiation package for Octave;
- computer lab no 2