These photos and slides are at your disposal, please feel free to use them! but do not forget to cite the source in your slide show or presentation and to put a link toward our web site if you use our photo in yours - Thanks !
Arabidopsis embryo development. In green, high auxin concentration
Arabidopsis primary root. In green, high auxin concentration.
Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem
PIN-directed auxin fluxes in the Arabidopsis embryo.
Schematic representation Arabidopsis flower
Schematic representation Arabidopsis seedlings
Arabidopsis root tip anatomy
Arabodpsis root and gravitropism - in green high auxin concentration
Hormone action in the root
Hormone action on each other metabolism
Example of plant hormone action
The site and receptor molecules for hormone perception in plants
Hormone coordination during shade avoidance
Cell Signaling lab
RDP - ENS Lyon - 46 Allee d’italie
69364 Lyon cedex 07 - France
Web Site : Yvon Jaillais
- Plant Biology - Cell Biology - Plant development - Cell Signaling - Signal transduction - Receptor Kinase - Plant adaptation - Endocytosis - Self Incompatibility - Plant Reproduction - Brassinosteroid - Plant hormones - hormone crosstalk - Intracellular trafficking - Live confocal imaging - BRI1- BKI1- SRK - SCR - Retromer - SNX - Sorting Nexin - Vacuolar Protein Sorting - VPS - RDP, ENS Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure - Laboratoire de Reproduction et development des plantes - France -
Activation model for BRI1 - brassinosteroid