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Accueil du site > Animations Scientifiques > Séminaires 2007 > Cytoskeleton dynamics involved in cell morphology control and multicellular stability

Cytoskeleton dynamics involved in cell morphology control and multicellular stability

par Webmaster - 20 juin 2007

Orateur :

François Amblard, Physics of the cytoskeleton group, Institut Curie, CNRS, Paris

Salle :

des Thèses

Sujet :

A growing set of data indicate that cytoskeleton components do turn-over quite rapidly in cells. We developped quantitative tools to investigate turn-over dynamics, and some results will be presented. The physiological significance of that turn-over remains an open question. Through some experimental results, I will discuss the notion and implications of a dynamic control of cell shapes and multicellular stability.

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