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Accueil du site > Animations Scientifiques > Séminaires 2007 > The nucleosome : A transparent, slippery, sticky and yet stable DNA-protein complex

The nucleosome : A transparent, slippery, sticky and yet stable DNA-protein complex

Orateur :

Helmut Schiessel, Instituut-Lorentz, Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands

Salle :

C023 (RDC LR6 côté CECAM)

Sujet :

Roughly three quarter of eucaryotic DNA are tightly wrapped onto protein cylinders organized in so-called nucleosomes. Yet DNA is at the heart of many crucial life processes. I focus here on physical mechanisms that might allow nucleosomes to perform a great deal of such processes, specifically (1) on unwrapping fluctuations that give DNA-binding proteins access to the wrapped DNA portions without disrupting the nucleosome as a whole, (2) on corkscrew sliding along DNA and some implications and on (3) tail-bridging induced attraction between nucleosomes as a means of controlling higher-order folding.

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