Yves Robert, Recipient of 2020 IEEE Computer Society Charles Babbage Award

Yves Robert, Recipient of 2020 IEEE Computer Society Charles Babbage Award

Thu, 23/01/2020

Honors and awards, News

Yves Robert has been selected to receive the 2020 IEEE CS Charles Babbage Award “for contributions to parallel algorithms and scheduling techniques.”

Yves Robert

Yves Robert, full professor in the Computer Science Laboratory LIP at ENS Lyon, has been selected to receive the 2020 IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) Charles Babbage Award “for contributions to parallel algorithms and scheduling techniques.”

The award also consists on an invitation to present a paper and/or presentation at the annual IEEE-CS International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). The conference will be held from May 18- 22, 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

The main theme of Robert’s research is resource optimization: models, algorithms, and scheduling. He has studied cellular automata, systolic algorithms and architectures, parallel algorithms for distributed-memory computers, communication and redistribution routines, loop-nest transformations, mapping and tiling strategies, task graph scheduling, steady-state scheduling, workflow scheduling, and more recently energy-aware scheduling, numerical linear algebra kernels, and resilience methods at scale. Most of his research has dealt with scalable parallel algorithms and scheduling techniques, from systolic arrays and hypercubes up to multicore clusters.

Robert’s main research achievements lie in three inter-related areas: (parallel algorithms (for quite a variety of platforms); parallelizing compilers (loop-nest transformations and polyhedral model); and scheduling techniques (task graphs, pipelined workflows, resilience methods). Throughout his career, he has always combined models and complexity analysis with efficient and practical algorithmic solutions.

Robert is a Fellow of the IEEE since 2005. He has been elected a Senior Member of Institut Universitaire de France.  He has been awarded the 2014 IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing, and the 2016 IEEE TCPP Outstanding Service Award. He holds a Visiting Scientist position at the University of Tennessee Knoxville since 2011.

Read full article on the IEEE-CS website

Charles Babbage Award

The IEEE CS Charles Babbage Award was established in memory of Charles Babbage in recognition of significant contributions in the field of parallel computation.

This award covers all aspects of parallel computing including computational aspects, novel applications, parallel algorithms, the theory of parallel computation, and parallel computing technologies, among others.

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