Albert Fathi, mathematician, UMPA



Born in 1951, a former student of ENS Saint-Cloud, Albert Fathi defended his state thesis – Transformations et homéomorphismes préservant la mesure – prepared under the supervision of Laurence Carl Siebenmann and Michael Herman in 1980. A researcher at the CNRS from 1974 to 1992, Albert Fathi was a professor at the University of Florida from 1987 to 1992.

He joined the ENS de Lyon in 1992 and also taught at the École polytechnique. He is now professor emeritus at ENS de Lyon since 1st November 2016 and, since 1st August 2017, He is Professor of the Practice at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, United States.

He continued his research in the unit of Pure and Applied Mathematics (UMPA). His work focuses on the connections between the Lagrangian dynamical systems and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equations. He is at the origin of the Weak KAM Theory started in 1996 when he was Director of Studies in mathematics at the ENS de Lyon.

Awards and honours

Clay mathematics institute Senior scholar in 2018

French academic award in 2017

Sophie Germain Prize of the Academy in 2013

Senior member of the Institut universitaire de France in 2011

