ERC project "NOTCOM" by Mogens Lærke


ERC Advanced Grant 2021

Principal Investigator: Mogens Lærke, CNRS Research Director at IHRIM

Project co-hosted by the ENS de Lyon - coordinated by the CNRS

Research: The Common Notion. Science and Consensus in the Seventeenth Century

Field: Philosophy


NOTCOM - The Common Notion. Science and Consensus in the Seventeenth Century

NOTCOM is a philosophical study of common notions, collective inquiry, and dissemination strategies in seventeenth-century natural science, with special focus on the role of so-called "common notions". Using a ground-breaking transversal methodology, it studies:

  1. epistemological models of consensus as they emerged from early modern controversies in logic, rhetoric, moral philosophy, theology and law, and how they were re-deployed within natural philosophy;
  2. methods of collective inquiry in early modern natural philosophy;
  3. the role of consensus models and methods of collective inquiry in the public dissemination of early modern natural philosophy;
  4. the actuality of early modern consensus models and methods of collective inquiry in relation to current philosophy of science and science communication studies.

Early modern collective scientific practices have, over the last half century, provided a rich field of study for the sociology and history of philosophy of science. Little attention has, however, been paid to the role that epistemological models of consensus played for the methods governing those practices. Yet the period produced a wealth of such models, often in the context of doctrines of common notions, which informed natural philosophical methods of collective inquiry in myriad ways. These methods were moreover inextricably wound up with complex strategies for the broader public dissemination of science. Some of these, models, methods, and dissemination strategies still have purchase today. More importantly, however, writing their history offers a narrative about philosophy, science, and society with a didactic potential that merits exploration. Combining these four dimensions—consensus models, collective methods, dissemination strategies, and actuality—NOTCOM thus explores the historical background to the current notion of "scientific consensus" and the contemporary uses of writing this history.

Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2027

European Union funding: 2.274.814 €

The project is co-hosted by ENS de Lyon and the Maison Française d’Oxford (MFO).

ERC Advanced Grants

ERC Advanced Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.


Mogens Laerke photo

Mogens Lærke

CNRS Reasearch Director - Institute of History of Representations and Ideas in Modernities
Visiting at the Maison Française d'Oxford (MFO)

Mogens Lærke personal page

