Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Laboratory

Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Laboratory - E2P2L

E2P2L Logo
International research lab (IRL 3464)
International and joint research units

E2P2L is a unique international hub in China dedicated to eco-innovation.

Sustainable mega-trends are pushing for products & processes with an improved environmental footprint in Specialty Chemicals markets. In some cases bio-based chemicals can be the answer, while in other cases the processes have to be fully re-engineered.

Eco-Innovation is key to deliver both environmental benefit and ensure that the cost of new technologies are acceptable by the markets. The challenges associated with such targets require both a large spectrum of competences and a deep understanding of the science behind.

By combining scientific and industrial excellence, E2P2 is a unique international team dedicated to Eco-Innovation, capable of inventing and developing breakthrough technologies for sustainable chemistry.
