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[in progress] 2021-2023
Junior Laboratory


Seven young researchers in literature, philosophy and anthropology are working on ancient corpora or their later reception. In philosophy, Misel Jabin is interested in the notion of self-motorization of the soul in Platonic thought, Pauline Rates in the conception of the female body and sexual difference in Augustine of Hippo; Baptiste Tochon-Danguy studies the function and reception of movement among Italian sculptors during the Renaissance, which takes place in parallel with a reinterpretation of ancient and medieval philosophies of movement (Neoplatonism and Aristotelianism) among certain thinkers (Marsilio Ficino, Giordano Bruno, Leonardo da Vinci). In the literary field, Juliette Delalande studies the metapoetic and intertextual significance of mythological variants in the epic and elegiac poetry of the late-Republican and Augustan periods; Barthélémy Enfrein edits the Homilies on Luke by Cyril of Alexandria in Greek and Syriac and examines their reception in the Byzantine and Eastern Christian worlds. Dimitri Mézière's research focuses on the notion of ars in Ovid's erotodidactic treatises. Floriane Sanfilippo is working on the representations of the hand in Roman culture, in an anthropological approach of Antiquity that compares texts and iconography. From Archaic Greece (8th century BC) to Late Antiquity (5th century AD) and the modern West, their objects of study bear witness to the continuities, inflections and evolutions of ideas and representations that were born and developed around the Mediterranean.

Creation Date

September 2021 

Closure Date


Project Leader

Pauline RATES and Misel JABIN