Histoire, Archéologie et Littératures des Mondes Chrétiens et Musulmans Médiévaux

Histoire, Archéologie et Littératures des Mondes Chrétiens et Musulmans Médiévaux - CIHAM

History, Archaeology, Literatures of the medieval Christian & Muslim worlds

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UMR 5648

The CIHAM - History, Archaeology and Literature of the Medieval Christian and Muslim worlds (UMR 5648) is a unique research laboratory in France through its chronological positioning, its choice to study areas such as the southeast quarter of France and the Mediterranean region (in particular Italy, the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb), its practice of interdisciplinarity and comparativism between the Christian and Muslim worlds, but also within these cultural areas.

There are 3 areas of research and 1 transversal topic.

  • territories, economy, environment
  • govern, dominate, resist
  • knowledge and authorities
  • transversal topic: Corpor@Tech-Open Science