TRIANGLE. Action, Discours, Pensée Politique et Economique

TRIANGLE. Action, Discours, Pensée Politique et Economique

Action, discourse, political and economic thought

Logo Triangle
UMR 5206

The UMR 5206 "Triangle. Action, discourses, political and economic thought" is a pluridisciplinary joint research unit.

  • 115 researchers (105 academic teachers and 10 CNRS researchers

  • 32 associated teachers

  • 117 doctoral students in 2017

UMR 5206 Triangle was created in 2005 following the idea that this pluridisciplinary choice could lead to something better than a pure addition of competencies and contribute to a fuller understanding of political thought and action. The last four years have proved the productive accuracy of this hypothesis.

The unit is structured around four specialized hubs and three cross-disciplinary lines of research.