Cross-disciplinary courses: languages, sports, IT

Beyond its various Bachelor's, Master's and PhD programs, the ENS de Lyon offers languages classes, sports lessons and information technology (IT) courses that are free and open to all.

Language Classes

visuel languages lesson



Languages: English, German, Arabic, Catalan, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian

A specific course: French as a foreign language

CLES certification in English, compulsory to teach in France

Please note: if you wish to attend a lesson at the Language Center; you first need to sign up for it at the beginning of each semester. Lessons are attributed on a "first come, first served" basis.

Languages Center
langues [at]

Sports Lessons

Visuel Sport lessons



Sport plays a key role at the ENS de Lyon. It is a vital part of a balanced life. Sports provide ideal opportunities for students and staff to come together, to broaden their horizons through inter-university tournaments and competitions, breathe fresh air during outdoor activities and get involved in the activities of a sports association.

Badminton, basket-ball, kick-boxing, combat, canoeing, dancing, climbing, fencing, fitness, football, indoor football, handball, weight-training, swimming, hiking, rugby, tennis, downhill and cross-country skiing, volley-ball, mountain-biking and yoga.
More information on the Sports Associations's website (in French)

Sports Center
sport [at]

IT courses

Visuel Sport lessons



The CID (Center of Documentary Engineering) is a team within the ENS de Lyon dedicated to the use of new technologies in teaching and research in literature and human sciences.

Training courses that qualify for C2i2e certification (which certifies teachers' digital proficiency)
Research programs: CTLF (establishing a corpus of linguistics references), Frantext CTLF (integrating the corpus with Frantext technology)
Tools to download free of charge 

More information on the CID's website (in French)

Center of Documentary Engineering
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