Tutorial Course – CHIANTI 2016

Structure and dynamics of biomolecules by MAS NMR

5th June 2016, Principina Terra (Grosseto),Italy


Registration deadline : 15th May 2016

last update 01/06/2016

Fattoria La Principina

A series of tutorial lectures will illustrate some recent advances in the investigation of structure and dynamics of complex biomolecular systems with the help of solid-state NMR under magic-angle spinning.
Methods and applications to biological systems at the forefront of modern biology such as fibrils and membrane proteins will be presented.

This event will be held just before the Chianti Workshop (5-10th June 2016).
More information about the workshop here.

To contact us : chianti@pnmr.eu.


The workshop will start at 12.30pm with a light lunch offered by pNMR, followed by 3 lectures from 13.30pm.

Confirmed lecturers

Ann McDermott – Columbia University
Beat Meier – ETH Zurich
Tatyana Polenova – University of Delaware


Sunday 5th June
12.30 Welcome buffet lunch
13.45 Beat Meier, ETH Zürich
Structure Determination in Fibrils: a story with 5 take-home messages
14.40 Ann McDermott, Columbia University
Paramagnetic Tags, Promising Tools for DNP
15.35 Tatyana Polenova, University of Delaware
Integrating Experiment and Theory for Atomic-Level Structure and Dynamics of HIV-1 Assemblies: MAS and DNP NMR Spectroscopy, MD Simulations, and Quantum Mechanics
17.00 Chianti Workshop Opening


The training will be held at the Fattoria La Principina, S.P. 158 delle Collacchie, 465, 58100 Principina Terra (Grosseto), Italy.


Grosseto is located in Tuscany, halfway from Rome and Pisa.

You can reach Grossetto from Rome Fiumicino Airport or Pisa Airport by train.

From Rome Fiumicino, it takes about 2-3hrs by train. From Pisa Airport, 1h30 to 2hrs.

You can buy tickets for any italian train directly at any railway station (use the self-service touchscreen booths in order to avoid long queue at ticket counters). You can buy also tickets in-advance from Trenitalia website.

A taxi service is available at Grosseto railway station or by calling +39 025353 (it is a 5km ride).

Tourist Information are available at


There are no formal registration fees for this scientific workshop as it receives funding from the PEOPLE program (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013. However there is a limited number of participant spaces available.
The Registration form is available below.





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