Mid-term review meeting
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, UK
18th September afternoon – 19th September morning
This is a pNMR Members only meeting.
EVERY pNMR network member SHOULD ATTEND.
Objectives of the meeting :
To assess the fulfillment of all aspects (scientific, research training, management, etc.) described in Annex 1 of the Grant Agreement.
The mid-Term Review is considered as a dialogue between the network participants and the REA Project Officer, and a valuable source of feedback to both the Consortium and the REA. The review shall be made on the basis of the satisfactory completion of due deliverables and milestones. Particular attention will be paid to the training activities and networking aspects including activities across different sectors. The structure of the network and the Grant Agreement’s work programme will also be reviewed. This is not just a scientific evaluation.
The Mid-term report :
The Mid-term report will form the basis for discussion during the Mid-term Meeting. The report will cover the first half of the project implementation and demonstrate its achievements in relation with the initial project objectives, in terms of scientific results, research training, networking and transfer of knowledge, dissemination, outreach activities and management.
The report will also include up-to-date information on the delivery of recruitment months and should justify any deviation, and provide information in relation to any international conferences or events the consortium has organised or taken part in. Any relevant material highlighting the most significant results of the project (e.g. reviewed scientific publications, invited papers, patent descriptions, media coverage, prizes, awards, etc.) will be attached as separate annexes.
Every Declaration of the Conformity will have to be submitted by then.
Participants and sessions of the meeting :
The project coordinator, the scientists in charge, the representatives of the Associated Partners (if any), as well as the appointed Early Stage and Experienced Researchers must attend the meeting.
The REA may choose to appoint an Expert Reviewer to conduct the Mid-Term Review in place of, or in addition to, the Project Officer. The Expert Reviewer is subject to full confidentiality agreements therefore should be fully included in all discussions.
Additionally, the consortium can choose to invite an external scientific expert, at the expense of the ITN project, to the Mid-Term Review meeting to contribute to the scientific discussions. The REA must be informed in advance of any external persons participating.
Every ER and ESR will have to fill a Mid-Term Assessment Questionnaire at least two weeks before.
The fellows will also have to prepare a short presentation covering their experiences (background, research and training at the host institution and network wide, networking aspects, future plans) in the project.
The project coordinator will present the project. Amongst the different topics addressed, the complementary skills acquired by the fellows will have to be presented.
A session will involve only the fellows and the REA Representatives to discuss about their experiences within the Network in terms of training, progress and impact on their future careers : annexes awareness, working conditions, tuition fees, quality of the supervision, effectiveness of the Career Development Plan, secondments, PhD courses, attendance to
external courses/workshops/conferences, language courses and complementary skills training, progress of scientific projects and achievements, acknowledgement of funding source.
Feedback will be given by the REA representatives on the output of the Network so far, on possible training areas for future exploitation or the impact on the fellows’ future careers development.
A restricted session on financial issues can also be held.