Scientific Environment

Biosantexc Consortium

BIOSANTEXC is a Franco-Indian campus in life and health sciences.
This 2-year project (2023-2024) gathers 11 project partners and 3 associated partners across France and India.

French main partners: the network of 4 Écoles normale supérieures

Indian main partners: the network of 6 Indian Institutes of Science, Education and Research and 1 Indian research institute

Associated partners: 3 Indian research institutes

French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission

Rhône-Auvergne Delegation of the National Center for Scientific Research

Collegium de Lyon

Fédération Lyonnaise de Modélisation et Sciences Numériques

Fondation Neurodis

André Marie Ampère Research Federation

IFP – Énergies Nouvelles

French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment

Institut Carnot I@L

Engineering @ Lyon

Institut de chime de Lyon

Mérieux Foundation

Rhône-Alpes European Large Scale Facility for NMR

The French institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks (IFSTTAR)

Biosciences & Co

Institut Carnot I@L

Engineering @ Lyon