Mumps technologies: a new start-up hosted at the ENS de Lyon

Mumps technologies: a new start-up hosted at the ENS de Lyon

Mon, 11/02/2019


Mumps Technologies (Mumps Tech) has been founded in January 2019 by Jean-Yves L'Excellent, Inria researcher at the Computer Science Laboratory (Lip) of ENS de Lyon, Chiara Puglisi, transferand innovation engineer, and Patrick Amestoy, professor at Toulouse INP.

Mumps Technologies

Mumps Tech uses the research carried out at ENS de Lyon, Toulouse INP, Inria, Cerfacs, Bordeaux University and CNRS, that has given rise to the scientific library MUMPS (for MUltifrontal Massively Parallel Solver). MUMPS is an open source software known worldwide which allows to solve large sparse linear systems in a robust and effective way on high performance computers.

The MUMPS library is, on the one hand, a software platform enabling to pursue research activities in high performance computing in collaboration with academic laboratories. On the other hand, a package integrated in many free and commercial numerical simulation codes worldwide.  MUMPS can be freely downloaded.

Mumps Tech carries on R&D activities and collaborations to keep this software library state-of-the-art and proposes a set of services to its customers using it every day.

The incubator

Every year, the ENS de Lyon incubator hosts start-ups created by its own scientists in order to support them in the research and development phases of innovative products, idea testing, technology validation or business models before a possible commercial phase.

Start-ups hosted at the ENS de Lyon.

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