Teaching of Experimental Sciences and Mathematics

Didactics of Science
Open to :
  • Applicants holding an undergraduate degree (Bachelor)
  • EU/EEA students
Language proficency requirements :
  • French: B2
Year of study :
  • Master's degree (1st year)
  • Master's degree (2nd year)

    The Teaching of Experimental Sciences and Mathematics program offers research-based training, which articulates the reference disciplines in exact and experimental sciences (mathematics, physics and chemistry, life sciences, the Earth and the universe), their didactics and their epistemologies.

    A program dedicated to education

    • Development or consolidation of theoretical and practical knowledge on teaching, learning and science dissemination 
    • Articulation between science didactics, scientific mediation and epistemology 
    • Consideration of all levels of education from kindergarten to higher education as well as the contexts within the circulation of science

    Language of teaching

    100% of this program is in French.

    Career opportunities after this course

    • Teaching and research in Science didactics (with a continuation of doctoral studies)
    • Scientific mediation (in the scientific, technical and industrial culture, in museums, libraries and in innovative companies of the education sector) 
    • Training (Head trainer for the MEEF Master’s, pedagogical adviser, head of continuing education in companies)

    Continue your studies

    Information about PhD