on Expression and purification of metalloproteins for structural studies, and paramagnetic restraints in hybrid methods for protein structural analysis, took place in Florence in May 2016.
Author: Cecile Gozlan
May, June, July events
3 events took place these last 3 months : an Applied Training,‘Expression and purification of metalloproteins for structural studies’ and ‘Paramagnetic restraints in hybrid methods for protein structural analysis’, in Florence, Italy in May; a training course ‘Structure and dynamics of biomolecules by MAS NMR’, in Principina Terra (Grosseto),Italy in June; and another training ‘pNMR: The roots of the matter, Foundations and future challenges for theory and experiments of paramagnetic NMR’ in Aarhus, Denmark, in July 2016.
Pictures will follow.
pNMR: The roots of the matter
We hold a satellite workshop to the 2016 EUROMAR Conference in Aarhus, DK, on 8-9 July 2016.
2016 events
- 11th-13th May 2016 – Applied Training, , ‘Expression and purification of metalloproteins for structural studies’ and ‘Paramagnetic restraints in hybrid methods for protein structural analysis’, Florence, Italy.
To register : http://www.ens-lyon.fr/crmn/pnmr/events/applied-training-courses-florence-2016/
- 5th June 2016 – CNRS Lectures ‘Structure and dynamics of biomolecules by MAS NMR’, Sunday 5th June, before the CHIANTI Workshop, Principina Terra (Grosseto), Italy (http://www.cerm.unifi.it/chianti/)
To register : http://www.ens-lyon.fr/crmn/pnmr/events/2016-2/satelite-event-chianti-2016/
- 8th-9th July 2016 – Oulu Training, ‘pNMR: The roots of the matter. Foundations and future challenges for theory and experiments of paramagnetic NMR, in Aarhus , Denmark, after the EUROMAR conference (3-7th July 2016) (http://www.euromar2016.org/).
To register :http://www.ens-lyon.fr/crmn/pnmr/satelite-event-aarhus-2016/
- 27th-30th September 2016, Final workshop, TBC.
Expression and purification of metalloproteins for structural studies
NEW DATES have been set for our 7th Applied Training (‘Expression and purification of metalloproteins for structural studies’ and ‘Paramagnetic restraints in hybrid methods for protein structural analysis’) : it will take place on the 11th-13th May, in Florence, Italy.