May, June, July events

3 events took place these last 3 months : an Applied Training,‘Expression and purification of metalloproteins for structural studies’ and ‘Paramagnetic restraints in hybrid methods for protein structural analysis’, in Florence, Italy in May; a training course ‘Structure and dynamics of biomolecules by MAS NMR’, in Principina Terra (Grosseto),Italy in June; and another training ‘pNMR: The roots of the matter, Foundations and future challenges for theory and experiments of paramagnetic NMR’ in Aarhus, Denmark, in July 2016.

Pictures will follow.

2016 events

  • 11th-13th May 2016 – Applied Training, , Expression and purification of metalloproteins for structural studies’ and ‘Paramagnetic restraints in hybrid methods for protein structural analysis’, Florence, Italy.

To register :

  • 5th June 2016 – CNRS Lectures ‘Structure and dynamics of biomolecules by MAS NMR’, Sunday 5th June, before the CHIANTI Workshop, Principina Terra (Grosseto), Italy (

To register :

  • 8th-9th July 2016 –  Oulu Training, ‘pNMR: The roots of the matter. Foundations and future challenges for theory and experiments of paramagnetic NMR, in Aarhus , Denmark, after the EUROMAR conference (3-7th July 2016) (

To register :

  • 27th-30th September 2016, Final workshop,  TBC.