The Crous University Restaurant on the Monod site closed on 12th April, 2019 for 18 months so that renovation work could be carried out, including an extension of the premises. The current pandemic somewhat delayed the work schedule but ENS de Lyon is now pleased to announce the reopening of the restaurant this Monday, 22nd February, 2021 at 11 a.m.
The renovation of the restaurant was carried out by the architectural agency Patriarche. The work was funded by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the CROUS of Lyon, ENS de Lyon, ISARA and the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. The operation was backed by the Université de Lyon.
A new dining area
Initially, the restaurant will only be accessible for take-aways, however, soon the renovation and extension will offer the public:
- a more functional and brighter building
- an increase in the number of meals served daily with 3 different areas:
- 700m² restaurant area / 602 seats
- 150 m² cafeteria lounge area / 106 seats
- 85 m² brasserie-style restaurant known as the “Brasserie des sciences” / 42 seats
- a fast food service

An environmentally-friendly restaurant
Aiming to respect sustainable development, the Crous has implemented various environmentally-friendly actions:
- adapting the size of portions served to limit waste
- cooking with local produce seasonal fruits and vegetables; French produced meat and sustainable fishing;
- fair trade organic coffee
- a vegetarian dish every day
- option to purchase a reusable glass container for take-out meals
- option to bring your own mug for hot drinks
- reusable glass water bottles on site for the Science Brasserie
- pure flat or carbonated water produced on site in the Brasserie (no purchase of water in plastic bottles)
- using overnight cooking and low-temperature cooking to reduce energy consumption
- sorting waste
- building designed for better fluid control (better energy management)
- biowaste methanization
- installation of a laundrette that is less energy-intensive in water and electricity
- LED lighting