HRS4R - Our Actions


ENS de Lyon implements the Human Resources Strategy for Researcher through three-year action plans.

Actions are divided into four main areas of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the their Recruitment: ethical and professional aspects; recruitment and selection; working conditions and social security; training and career development.

HRS4R Strategy 2021-2023


Implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers for 2021-2023

In the continuity of the 2018-2020 action plan, the action plan developed by ENS de Lyon for the period 2021-2023 includes 47 actions, divided into 4 areas:

  • Ethical and professional aspects
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Working conditions and social security
  • Training and career development

Seven services of ENS de Lyon are in charge of their implementation.

Ethical and professional aspects

  • Action 1 - Communicate the Charter and the Code to new arrivals
  • Action 2 - Reinforcement of awareness of researchers for calls for research projects
  • Action 3 - Develop promotion of research through the library   
  • Action 4 - Pursue awareness campaigns concerning IT security 
  • Action 5 - Pursue supporting researchers to optimize and secure their data 
  • Action 6 - Encourages researchers to publish more their research using open access with availability on appropriate open archive platforms
  • Action 7 - Increase the visibility of open access search results 
  • Action 8 - Strengthening services to researchers at the library 
  • Action 9 - Periodically organize a seminar for the general public by a researcher
  • Action 10 - Formalize a professional equality plan 
  • Action 11 - Recruit an equality and non-discrimination project manager 
  • Action 12 - Train, inform and communicate about harassment and discrimination 
  • Action 13 - Set up a reporting system to care for and support victims of gender-based and sexual violence (SGBV) or discrimination 
  • Action 14 - Make available to equality referents and the equality project manager a follow-up of the number of staff and candidates for the various recruitment competitive exams
  • Action 15 - Continue to increase internal institutional communication in English
  • Action 16 - Continue to increase the availability of administrative forms and documents in English 
  • Action 17 - Promote administrative support for foreign researchers arriving in France 

Recruitment and selection

  • Action 18 - Continue the proposal of job grants for doctoral students with disabilities
  • Action 19 - Continue the individual support of doctoral students with disabilities in their professional positioning
  • Action 20 - Add a mention in job offers for research contract workers on opening positions to people with disabilities 
  • Action 21 - Organize the training of vice-presidents of selection committees (COS)
  • Action 22 - Systematizing the publication of job offers in English on Euraxess 
  • Action 23 - Establish a guide for HR managers on OTM recruitment procedures (open, transparent and merit-based)
  • Action 24 - Translate the regulatory guide for selection committee members into English
  • Action 25 - Set up training courses to enhance chronology variations in CVs 
  • Action 26 - Continue the online posting of feedback on the website (Erasmus +, CRCT...) and communicate about the Invited Professors 
  • Action 27 - Continue to raise awareness of the CRCT system, presented as an incentive for mobility

Working conditions and social security

  • Action 28 - Continue to honor award-given researchers and write interview articles 
  • Action 29 - Increase support for researchers in the organization of events and congresses 
  • Action 30 - Continue communication on disability policy 
  • Action 31 - Improve the accessibility of the intranet page dedicated to researchers and teacher- researchers 
  • Action 32 - Translate into English the guide on the remuneration of researchers 
  • Action 33 - Increasing the remuneration of doctoral students 
  • Action 34 - Write a Mentor Charter
  • Action 35 - Setting up an informal forum for discussion and exchange for young researchers
  • Action 36 - Schedule interviews of lecturers and university professors by the VPR and the VPE 18 months after their arrival
  • Action 37 - Schedule interviews of lecturers by the VPR and the VPE 7 years after recruitment
  • Action 38 - Promoting advice on the orientation and career development of researchers
  • Action 39 - Promote an informal forum for discussion between researchers
  • Action 40 -Continue the awareness-campaigns of the Technology Transfer & Development department 
  • Action 41 - Set up training in pedagogy for all teacher-researchers who wish to do so
  • Action 42 - Follow the awareness of the importance of the implication of teacher-researchers in the establishment’s authorities

 Training and career development

  • Action 43 - Put into place a training programs for researchers managing a doctoral student for the first time
  • Action 44 - Develop and improve the training offer for teacher-researchers 
  • Action 45 - Promote the annual campaign of needs analysis for individual training for researchers
  • Action 46 - Continue offering training for researchers about intellectual property, project management, research funds 
  • Action 47 - Formalize a document summarizing the career support measures implemented for researchers


HRS4R Strategy 2018-2020


Implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers for 2018-2020

dopting the HRS4R, ENS de Lyon has adopted a continuous improvement approach aimed at implementing the 40 recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The action plan drawn up by ENS de Lyon includes 53 actions, divided into 4 areas

  • Ethical and professional aspects
  • Recruitment
  • Working conditions
  • Training

Ten departments of the ENS de Lyon are involved in their implementation.